Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You Little Mess

Ya know the saying "looking for trouble"? Well you are the epitome of those words. When you aren't sleeping or eating, you are literally looking for trouble. Whether it be climbing down the step to the door face first or trying to jump from one rocking chair to the other at Ms Linda's house or messing with the dog bowls, you will find a way to create a situation that involves some form of clean up. Here is a prime example:
"I swear this is not what I had planned"

This is a picture from second time you dumped over the dog's water bowl. You clothes were soaking wet and it made for an extra safe surface to toddle on when you tried to get up and walk toward me. You ended up right back on your booty.

"I'm thirsty mama, what can I say?"


Diaper changing is getting a lot trickier and much more urgent lately. I am starting to believe that you plan to do your business the moment I remove your diaper. You little stinker! Many surfaces fell victim to your new habit this past week: my leg, Matt & Heather's deck, your slide, the bathtub, the pool, Gman's living room floor, the changing table.....should I go on?

One place where you did stay on your best behavior: Heather's house last week. We joined our friend for some swimming Thursday afternoon and "watering" their deck you were content as could be eating limes and splashing in the water.

"Ok I'm ready!"

Eating and swimming seem to go hand in hand for you and this was evident last Friday morning when you were licking on your popsicle while sitting in your pool in your clothes at Nanny's......

She is not spoiled at all....

You have discovered the fun of tossing things on the ground for me to pick up....this goes on and on and on until I just don't feel like bending anymore. You laugh every single time as if it would never get old. This is usually your favorite game in your high chair. The dogs definitely benefit from your mealtime shenanigans as you toss Cheerios and other handfuls of food down on the ground. I'm glad we have two canine vacuums. You have also started taking bites, spitting them out into your hand and rubbing them on your chest or your chair. You make it look awfully fun which makes me think I should try it sometime. Your kisses are even messy. But they are so, so sweet! You only give them out when you feel the need....sometimes we even beg and get the cold shoulder. You little mess!

Most evenings you have your dad and I laughing hysterically. Most of the time I can't believe my eyes when I see what you are doing. At what age do you get when we will stop laughing at your crazy behavior? You have figured out that most of the time I ask you a question I'm wanting you to show off one of your tricks. So now when you head "Hallie?", you automatically turn to me and do either your tongue wiggling trick or some head banging....I just giggle and clap for you and of course you join in the clapping. Silly girl.

I could go on and on about your silly ways but I've got to get to bed sometime soon if I want to have a chance of keeping up with you tomorrow. Keep exploring and being you.....but it would be great if we could cut back on the whole playing with the dog bowl game. K? Thanks.


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