Saturday, July 2, 2011

BLOG gets a facelift

I have been a super slacker lately when it comes to working out...but not for lack of trying. Doesn't it count if I put my shoes on and sit near the door with thoughts of going outside to run? Yeah, I thought so. I actually venture out 50% of the time only because the dog is jumping and spinning in circles of excitement at that point. I'm in an exercising lull I guess you'd say....and I am putting full blame on the flat tire on our jogging stroller. I still haven't come up with a good reason for hating this treadmill staring at me. Have you ever finished a workout so worthless that you probably would have burned more calories lifting a spoon to put ice cream in your mouth? Those are becoming pretty common lately. Note to self, never take two weeks off working out because it will seem nearly impossible to get motivated again. It's already July and bathing suit ready is something I am not. NOT. EVEN. CLOSE. For now I'm rocking the "mommy swimsuit" also known as the tankini. "There's still time left" I keep telling myself...two more months of summer to look like Heidi Klum. So you are probably wondering when my rambling will end and what point I'm trying to make........WEEEEELLLLLLLL to get motivated I thought it would help to give the blog a facelift. A revamped blog = a revamped momma? We shall see. I've gotta go....craving an ice cream sundae. Jk. :)

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