Thursday, July 7, 2011

Trial of the Century

In light of the recent Casey Anthony trial receiving every bit of the nation's media attention, I thought I would give everyone a different trial to focus their attention and scrutiny on:


Hallie G Fanning vs. her momma

She has been charged with 1st degree dumping and scattering with malice. On the morning of Thursday July 7th of the year 2011 an entire container of ear cleaning devices was carelessly spilled onto the bathroom floor. There were no eye witnesses and no fingerprints on the scene of the crime. The defendant is refusing to take a lie detector test. Her sister Emmi Lane Fanning, a 2 year old Puggle breed plans to take the stand.

Exhibit A:

"I had nothing to do with this....who would do something like this?"

The smoking gun?

This face.....need I say more

Hallie G Fanning chose not to take the stand thinking that her cute smile would set her free. There was not even evidence to prove guilt of this babe....although there are no other plausible explanations for how this happened.


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