Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Hallie Grace was serenaded at 7:00 this morning by mama and dada. She smiled as we sang to her and then jumped around in the big people bed and gave plenty of hugs and kisses. She started her day out like any other day....a nice big cup of milk. Hits the spot everytime. She of course helped mama put her makeup on and ate her usual breakfast of cereal and fruit. Just like any other day....but today was no regular day. Today she was a birthday girl who got to stay in her pajamas all day long, eat birthday cake and have her favorite dinner. She wore her new cupcake pjs because she thought it seemed fitting....

Her mama hurried as fast as she could to get off work to pick her up for some birthday fun. She went to visit Nanny and showed off her birthday crown. The birthday girl requested Mazzios for dinner as she is an avid fan of the salad bar. Aunt Katie and Papa joined the three of us for dinner. Hallie made her way around the place on foot saying hello to everyone eating...luckily they didn't mind a little girl patting their leg. The temp read 108 degrees when we finished with dinner so that basically cancelled our plans for a family bike ride. We were going to try out our new bikes but the weather put a damper on that idea. Looked like whatever we were doing would be indoors. No outdoor fun today but she got to have her cake and eat it too....

"I have a couple more pages to finish first"

The bookworm managed to pull her face out of her book when I handed her a pile of cake.....

Strange thing is she still felt the same way about cake as she did at her's just so-so. In fact she dumped the plate over and spit out each bite......

She's got a lot of learning to do. Lesson #1: cake is good.

"Ok I'll give it one more try"

We played and played and played until she couldn't play no more. Apparently when you turn one year old you gain the ability to make a hundred silly faces in one minute's time.....

The excited Hallie

The skeptical Hallie

The exhausted Hallie

The creeped out Hallie

The stinky Hallie

The puzzled Hallie

The goofy Hallie

Then it was time for her second favorite part of the day: BATHTIME....

"I just don't want this day to end..."

A very not so regular day turned out to be pretty regular.....well besides lots of birthday songs and lots and lots of extra kisses and hugs.

Belly tickles from dada

If today was any indication of how happy our girl is going to be over this next year then we are in for a year of smiles and laughs!

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday Princess Hallie,
Happy birthday to you.

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