Sunday, July 10, 2011


The age old saying "Monkey see, monkey do" is becoming more relevant in the Fanning house lately. But sometimes it's "monkey makes up her own activities that momma monkey would never do." Here is a prime example: head banging....

This brain jostling form of fun is something I guess I'll never understand. She has been banging her head against walls, doors and windows for awhile now but not since she discovered how funny it is to bang her head against the floor.

That pink little wiggly thing in between her teeth has become a tool for imitation. When she isn't using it to spit her food back out at me she can be found wiggling her tongue back and forth....

Her "indian" noise is now a favorite and a very easy way to make her giggle. I hit my hand over my mouth to make noise and she uses the back of her chubby hand to make noise too. And when she's feeling extra silly she lets me do the work for her. This of course is followed by lots of giggles!

If an outsider was watching mealtime at our house it would get pretty confusing. Lots of head shaking going on and hardly any of it makes sense. Yes, no, maybe so? She imitates any kind of head movement as well as mouth movements. She opens her mouth when I open mine and feeds me a bite after I feed her. I'm so thankful for her soggy Cheerios and bits of peach. Yum!

Doggy do, baby do too. She even imitates Emmi! They can be found often lying in the same position next to eachother on the floor. If my child starts barking I will take no responsibility for it!

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