Saturday, July 9, 2011

Coolin' Off with Gman

A number of things were scorching today. Not only were we burning up, but so was my wallet. Eeeek. Today began with a new set of tires. That means it made it that much more painful when I purchsased a replacement camera for the one that drowned in Hallie's wading pool. Luckily we had Gman to join us today for some camera shopping. Riley had "big plans" to go to Mustang today for some lawncare but took one look at the thermostat and decided against having a heat stroke. Instead he had a "free day" and relaxed, tinkered around with his 'Stang and relaxed some more. Am I jealous? Just a bit. But not too awful jealous because he is at a cruise-in as I type this, the babe is looking sleepy-eyed and I have one of my favorite meals in the oven ready for me to eat while I cozy up in the only chair we have in this lil place and watch a good movie. Is it sad that sometimes that is all I wanna do? Ok, back to my story.......

We got to Enid just as Gman was returning from a bike ride....perfect timing! Hal was a little put off my the roar of his cycle but it didn't take long for her to warm up. She showed Gman most of her new tricks but was saving a few for later. Dad, Hal and I had a fun little lunch. She kept us laughing with her silly fake giggling and her incessant wiggling. She even impressed us with standing up in the high chair and turning around to look at people walking in the door. That wasn't scary one bit. Gman and Hal did some coloring, well, kinda...

"mmmm, colorful chew toys"

"Oooooooh, I see. But it still looks like it might taste yummy"

The hungry little lady had enough of staring at our food and insisted on sitting next to me and reaching for anything edible (and some non-edible).....

Gman and his "date"

We made our way back out into the 114 degree temps and tortured Hallie by putting her back in the carseat yet again. Poor babies and those hot carseats. She immediately started sweating and her face turned bright red. AC up full blast and a quit trip down the road to the mall. Camera shopping began. Any other trip to buy a camera and I would have been ecstatic. Not today. It just reminded me of my camera floating in the pool. As it turned out I really did not need to take a trip to Enid to find what I wanted. After making a couple stops with no luck we found ourselves at our last stop: Walmart. And yes, there just happens to be one of those right down the road from me in Woodward. Lol. Oh well. Not where I wanted to get my camera at but they ended up having my same Walmart it was. While I walked out with my new toy, Hallie left with her favorite snack....

"A banana display by the checkout was fate."

Camera....check. Hole burned in wallet.....check.

Aunt B was waiting for us back at the house.......

Hallie put her walking skills to the test in the grass outside. Even though she was super busy I was able to talk her into stopping for a pic with her dear ol' momma.....

And of course we had to oogle over Aunt B's bling....

After we all started to melt....... was time to jump on the bed!!!!

She showed off trick after trick....faceplanting, head banging, somersaulting and she even revealed a few new ones today. It is amazing to watch her transform into this crazy, nimble and smart little toddler.....

"Huh?! I'm a toddler?!"

Aunt B left for OKC with Spencer, Gman was looking a tad sleepy and Hobby Lobby was calling our name so we went and wandered for awhile in search of some last minute party supplies. I was thoroughly embarrassed while pushing Hallie through the store....not only was she not having the whole shopping thing...but she was screaming just for the fun of it. And I don't just mean your everyday screaming....this was like burst your ear drums screaming. We cut our trip a little shorter than I would have liked...oh who am I kidding, I'd live in that store if I could. When we got back to dad's house we had a surprise waiting for us! Aunt Pauline stopped by on her way home to Missouri for a few more minutes of play time with Hallie (oh yeah, and to see us adults too.) :)

Gman didn't want us to leave but someone was tired and a certain mother was trying to take advantage of that someone's sleepyness for the car ride home. He and his favorite little gal posed for one more pic outside on his cycle. She made sure to put safety first by wearing Aunt B's helmet.....

"Where's my sidecar?" :)

Thanks for hanging out with us today Gman! We love ya!

Sidenote: I felt it necesary to document a milestone that happened today. Hallie Grace Fanning rode the entire 180 minute round trip with not one whimper, cry, scream or tantrum. It is amazing how much more intact my sanity feels without constant screaming, reaching for dropped cups or stopping on the side of the road for hidden objects. Thank your sweet girl, thank you.

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