Sunday, July 10, 2011

The " T " word

Long sigh.

Is our baby girl really a t t t toddler (it's hard to say)? Surely not. Although when I look at her and see that she grows at least two inches overnight, it is hard to ignore that fact that she is growing up right before my very eyes. Ok, I have a confession. Since I'm a little obsessive about rule following I thought to myself  "well I don't want to call my baby a toddler if she isn't really considered a toddler." So of course I did what anyone else would do......I googled "when is my baby called a toddler?" (I realize I need therapy, yes indeed). ;) The always faithful Google explained to me that she is a toddler when she is walking or after she is one year old. Ok, so it turns out the toddler status is legit.

Now that we have that settled....

The t t t toddler (if I say it enough maybe it will be alright eventually) has been taking all the necessary steps (no pun intended) to be considered a toddler. Here is a glimpse into the changes that have left us speechless:

"Toddler, huh? Does this mean I can stay home alone?"

Like every growing baby, I mean toddler, she has found a "lovey" to cuddle, hug and kiss. Meet Enzi (given his name by Nanny who picked him up in New Zealand).....

"You can never be too careful with these stuffed animals...Enzi needs a diaper too."

New best friends!

Enzi has suddenly become sewed to Hallie's side. She reaches for him and them hugs him to her side like she'll never let go. My heart turns to mush each and every time she does this. What is it about them loving an animal or a blanket that is so darn cute?!

Pureed foods are fading out of style and she tried out her very first real grown up meal with mom and dad this afternoon. Macaroni and cheese, tomatoes and peas. She was in heaven. I mean literally, it was as if I'd just given her her very own banana tree. She shoveled in handful after handful of peas and munched on her macaroni like it was going out of style. Her toddler appetite has increased exponentially. She can be found searching the house for snacks most days. No, literally, she will walk to her room and get into her purple snack bag and I'll find her sitting in her room trying to pry open the snack packages with her teeth. This afternoon she dug out four different types of snacks from her bag and brought them to us. She's so kind to share with everyone so she dumped her entire container of puffs on the floor. Buffet style! When she realized that sharing wasn't the best idea she started grabbing them with her arms and piling them in between her legs while sitting in a splits position. That girl!

"What night are we having spaghetti? I'll be sure to put it on my calendar"

"Is it too early to ask for seconds?"

About one month ago I was ecstatic about watching Hallie take five steps. Now Riley and I sit in amazement as we watch her haul boxes and cups around while she toddles across the living room from place to place. She carried a package a good distance to deliver it to her pops...he was thankful for the BPS (Baby Postal Service). Fast and friendly service. She can now change directions while up on those wobbly legs and make a sharp turn if she spots something enticing enough. I'd venture to guess she is walking about 25 feet at the furthest. We have only had one fall that really hurt. No blood but it looked pretty painful when she faceplanted in the carpet at the nursery....and it was my fault too. She was a little too excited as she walked/zoomed toward me and her mind got ahead of her feet. Just two days ago she began popping up to standing without having to pull up on something. This change literally happened overnight. Crazy!!!

"I know mom, it's not like I planned this to happen!"

She is quite possibly the funniest person I've ever met. She can switch gears on you faster than you are ready for. Perfect example is reading time with daddy:

"That sure is funny daddy, but just wait, it's about to get really funny!"

"Mom, do you have your camera ready?"

"Told ya!"

From brushing her teeth to imitating every move we make she has made her way into "toddlerdom" within just a few short days. Nobody warned me it would happen that fast. Riley and I are still switching to high gear which is about the only gear Hallie recognizes. So there ya have it folks. We have ourselves a t t t toddler.

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