Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Ups and Downs of a Weekend to Remember

There were many ups and downs this weekend as far as my emotions were concerned. It was a weekend to remember...literally. To remember my dear momma. Nanny had talked me into going on my weekend trip without baby girl and after some thought, I reluctantly left my baby girl behind for an entire weekend which led to emotion #1: sadness. I was already missing my girl by the time I pulled out of Nanny's driveway on Friday evening as I left for my friend Julie's house. I think I gave her about twenty kisses before I could bring myself to leave. Once I got on the road I got some yucky news about the sellers of our home (this has since been cleared up). Emotion #2: incredibly disappointed. About five minutes later I discovered that I had the one and only key to our new house sitting in my cup holder. Emotion #3: frustrated. Riley told me to keep on trucking along since I was already about forty minutes into my trip and running late as usual. I was on my way to OKC for a PT party. Emotion #4: excited!! I arrived almost on time and had a spectacular and relaxing evening without any kiddos and some amazing friends. Emotion #5: thankful.

See what I mean? I felt like a borderline bi-polar by the end of the night. And this was only a five hour time span. Emotion #6: tired. I made it to dad's house in Enid around 1:00 in the morning. I wasn't surprised to find him still awake and going strong. He's turned into quite the night owl. I'm going to blame it on his Facebook addiction. Emotion #7: comfort. I was home with my daddy and having a good time. We didn't go to bed until around 2:00 and I was able to sleep in until 9:00. You can just guess my emotion about that!! ;) Dad had left very early that next morning with some friends to head to OKC for a LifeShare banquet that him and my mom would have gone to. He attended this with my mom's transplant friend, Sheryl, who has had her new heart for 25 years! Wow! He felt like it was important to go ahead and go which I thought was very brave and admirable. He's a good man that Gman is. Emotion #8: blessed. Since he had left this left me with plenty of time that morning to have some "me" time before Bailey and I had to be ready for our trip that day. I quickly got ready and went to visit my BFF at work. And I can't go to Posh without finding a pair of Heather's shoes that I can't live without! Emotion #9: frivolous. I had plans to leave from there to get a pedicure which was long overdue. I had my book in my purse and was ready for some relaxation. Instead of relaxing I soon realized that I was running out of time to get to where I was supposed to be. Where was that?, you ask. Well, I had plans to meet some family friends to ride with them to OKC. To share some background on this: last year my mom and I went with her boss Lori, Lori's mom Karen, and her son's Brock and Kale to the Transsiberian Orchestra. Brock decided to get the tickets for my mom because he knew she wanted to go. She invited me along since he'd given her two tickets. About two months ago Bailey and I both received a special letter in the mail from Brock with tickets to this year's TSO concert attached. Emotion #10: grateful. What an incredibly thoughtful gesture it was. So back to me running late....I had the world's longest pedicure. This is the ONLY time you will ever hear me complain about that. Lol. I rushed to meet Bailey and found her at the gas station fueling up. She didn't judge me when I stepped out of the car with my crazy footwear on. I told you I was in a hurry by the time I left the nail place. The foam flip flops are a more appropriate fashion statement when it's not 30 degrees outside. ;)

As we pulled out of town I casually asked her if she grabbed her ticket. Back to the house we went to get it. That would have been no bueno! We were only ten minutes late meeting them and hopped in and we were on our way. Bailey followed behind driving separately since she had to be back that evening for a Christmas party. I was thoroughly entertained on the ride there by our conversation and by updates from my two loves back home who had a very busy morning.....with SANTA!!! Emotion #11: so in love!

The above two outfits were a result of a morning shopping trip with Riley and Hallie. Emotion # 12: pleasantly surprised. He had done a fabulous job at finding her an adorable outfit to meet Santa in. Where were they headed? To the Woodward Christmas parade! Hallie got to ride in the float on her daddy's lap....

It was a bit too cold for her to ride with the bigger kids on the train that they pulled behind the truck. But it's not like she wasn't fully prepared in her hilarious coveralls.....

The Cousin Eddy look

Emotion #13: laughter. I had the pleasure of watching lots of videos of my little burrito baby rolling on the ground in an attempt to stand up. Problem is, the coveralls were keeping her from bending any of her joints so she just rolled from side to side helplessly with Riley laughing in the background. Funny stuff those two come up with!!

Nanny was keeping me supplied with plenty of updates as well. Nanny said this picture must've been taken right after she heard Santa was coming.....

"Are you for real?!?"

Her expression soon changed once she jumped on the jolly man's lap. This Santa experience didn't go as smoothly as the first. I watched a video of her squirming down from his velvety lap. Although Santa shouldn't feel too sad about her disinterest.....I think it had a lot more to do with the group of big kids running around that had her attention elsewhere.

"I think my parents have all my presents covered this year, so can I go play now??"

I'm not sure what she is clapping about in this next picture but it absolutely gives me a fuzzy warm feeling inside to see her and her dad so happy together.....

Meanwhile back in mommyland, we had arrived and sat down in our seats with a little time to spare before the show. This was after running into my friend Heather before the show started. I found her and Matt waving at me from another section. Here's a pic of our group waiting for the show to start....

Emotion #14: bittersweet. I couldn't help but remember a year ago when I was sitting hear with my mom who was so excited to watch TSO perform. It seemed unreal that so much time had passed. Instead of mom, sitting to the right of me this year was my purty sister....

And we can't forget a picture with our gracious ticket giver, Mr. Brock England.....

Thanks again Brock!

Meanwhile back at home Hallie was readying herself for bed. Apparently throwing away her bottle of lotion is a new part of her bedtime routine......

Emotion #15: missing my baby. So let's just get past the pajama choice that Riley selected and figure out why she is tossing a perfectly good bottle of lotion. I hear that he told her to "go put it up in your room" and this is where she decided to place it. ;) Now back to the obviously horrendously unmatched pajamas. Oh my!! They had a fun evening of playtime I hear after a long afternoon nap. She was pretty tired after spinning circles playing Ring around the Rosie with all of the big kids that morning.

I enjoyed a yummy dinner at TGIFridays with everyone minus Bailey. She missed out on a lot of fun! After feeding our faces we made our way to Target. This is where I got in trouble...in the toy aisle. I had told myself that I was done shopping for Hallie. Oh I just couldn't resist!! I left with a full basket as everyone gave me a hard time about it not being able to fit in the car. ;) We had some fun times on the way home which included me calling a strange number in an attempt to call Riley from Karen's phone after my phone had gone dead. I proceeded to call this stranger "babe" after he answered until I realized that is was in fact NOT my husband that I was talking to. Funny thing was, he called back. Who does that!?!? Guess he must've been pretty lonely. ;) Emotion #16: honestly a little frightened ;).We got back later than I'd expected but not later than my dad. He still wasn't home from his big day when I pulled into his driveway. I did some reading and kicked back for a bit until everyone finally got home. Bailey, Spencer, Dad and I settled in for a holiday favorite....HOME ALONE!! None of us made it to the end and Bailey had to nudge my lifeless and exhausted body to send me to bed around midnight.  Another morning with no rooster crowing. Awww, sleep. Dara and I made some quick plans to go to breakfast at where else but WeeToo. Emotion #17: hungry. Yum yum!!!!

After breakfast and gossip hour we made a stop by Hastings to pick up even more Christmas gifts for Hallie. I think the whole plan to not buy eachother gifts has backfired in my face this year...instead of saving money by not buying Riley a gift I'm instead doubling up on Miss Hallie. The damage has been done.....now to just find time to wrap the damage. Which brings me to Emotion #18: overwhelmed. When I will get around to actually doing my Christmas duties is beyond me. We are painting maniacs again this week in preparation for moving in a couple of weeks! Around lunch time I received a reminder of what was waiting for me at home along with a text message that said this: "a true PB&J connoisseur smells the sandwich first then rubs on forehead before enjoying."
Emotion #19: Oh my!!

Soon to be followed by emotion #20: embarrassed. Riley also attached a picture of my baby girl's church attire that morning. At first I thought it was a joke but after asking Nanny if she'd seen the pair she confirmed my worst fears....my child had gone to church dressed like a 90 year old woman.

"What's wrong with this mom? Dad and I picked it out together!"

Dara and I stopped by my sister's new house to see what progress they'd made on the place. Ya see, we share in common that we are both painting an entire house. Emotion #21: denial. My sister is not supposed to be old enough to have a home and to be getting married. She's my lil sis. When did this all happen??? ;) They place is coming along nicely! The four of us soon found ourselves sprawled out on the couch all texting or Facebooking. Quality family time right there. ;) In the back of my head I was drowning out my next emotion. Emotion #22: dread. I was absolutely and positively, 100% not looking forward to what we had planned next. About a month ago my dad had received an invitation from the funeral home for a remembrance service for those who have lost loved ones the past year. The last thing I wanted to do was to relive the events of my mom's funeral. That place gives me the heebie jeebies to be honest. Soon I found myself walking through the doors again with dad by my side. Aunt Alta, Uncle David and Kara were waiting inside for us. It was so nice to have them there for support and love. The service was a short message, a slideshow and some snacks and hot chocolate. I told myself that I wouldn't cry. I just didn't feel like letting out off of these EMOTIONS in that setting. Somehow by the grace of God I held my composure and actually managed to share a few laughs with everyone once the service was over. I guess I'm come to terms with the fact that everyone has their own ways of dealing with tragedy and death....mine just so happens to be denial. Awesome, I realize this. :(It was so thoughtful for Henniger-Hinson to host the holiday service....I know my dad appreciated it probably much more than I did. In the end, it was about remembering my momma. I remember that remarkable woman everyday I wake up. Today I got to share it with my family. 

I was packed up and ready to go, stopped by Papa Murphy's to pick up some pizzas and pointed my car towards home. My baby was waiting on me!!! When I walked through the door I found exactly what I'd expected. A fair-skinned, beautiful golden haired girl giving me the cold shoulder. I was definitely getting the silent treatment from my sweetie as she munched on her dinner. It took about thirty minutes for her to decide that I was home to stay and wasn't going anywhere again. It felt so good to be home and unpack all of the junk that had accumulated in my car and bags over the weekend. Back to reality and our list of to-dos that seems never-ending right about now. Kissing my sweet girl goodnight had never felt so sweet as it did last night. I had missed her more than I'd thought. The girl's very missable if you ask me. ;)

P.S.- Hallie had many new tricks for me as it appeared that she had learned at warp speed while I was gone. Hopefully I'll get around to writing about them this week. ;)

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