Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What Will She Think of Next?

Story of the far

This morning as we rushed around getting everyone ready to get out of the door to work, I noticed that my little entertainer was bending over the bathtub (looking for toys probably) with her baby butt crack peeking out of her diaper. I nicely informed her by saying "baby girl, your crack is showing!" Instead of being a lady and fixing her problem her head shot up from the tub and she looked at my wide-eyed while she said "cracka?!?!" and took off towards the kitchen for a snack. Never a dull moment! She always leaves me thinking and saying the same thing: "you are just like your dad."

This is a huge compliment in Riley's eyes. His usual response is this: "why, because I'm so adorable??" about they are both insanely silly and always have me laughing. I can't claim responsibility for most of her silly tricks...those are courtesy of her dad. Like the time I left for the weekend and he taught her how to flush the toilet and walk in big person sandals. They added to her reperetoire this past weekend by learning how to feed the dogs by placing each piece of dog food in their bowls piece by piece. Not efficient at all, but oh so cute! He said every now and then she would stop and offer the dogs a piece and feed them out of her hand. She also learned how to play peek-a-boo the traditional way. Since she's been a wee little one we've been playing this favorite game by hiding under blankets or behind objects. She is now able to use both chubby hands to cover her eyes and play. When I open her door first thing in the morning she is always standing up at the side of her crib with her hands over her eyes. When the light comes on she pulls her hands away and smiles a huge "good morning" smile.

She has started a book study club if you are interested in joining. The first book on her list is The Help. She seems to be working hard at preparing for the first club meeting.....

"That is absurd!!!'

"This should be a best seller for sure!"

In all seriousness, she did grunt for me to hand her my book the other morning. She grabbed a pen off of the counter and pretended to write on the pages. That's some advanced reading material right there! ;) Maybe the girl can just read it for me and keep me updated as she reads along. Momma's big helper. She gave me a hand yesterday by placing our groceries on the belt in the checkout line. After I moved the basket forward to load our bags I turned around to find her trying to pay for our groceries by pressing buttons on the keypad. All she was missing was a debit card. Now that's a scary thought!

"I'm not sure if my allowance will cover this mom..."

We can often be heard calling out animal noises. In fact, that's something we practice at least 20,000 times a day. She is catching on pretty quickly and can do a string of five animals in a row when asked. Cow, pig, horse, sheep and lion. Lion elicits the best response. The girl's a great lion!! I've been trying to catch her performance on video all week but have yet to be sneaky enough. She freezes up once the camera starts rolling.

Well I think that's about all my little mind can come up with at the moment. After all, we really haven't got to spend a whole lot of time together with our girl this past week. Hallie has been exhausted after daycare and has gone to bed as early as 6:00!!!! All of those neurons sprouting off makes for a baby in need of extra sleep.

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