Thursday, December 29, 2011

So there's this place.....

Every now and then, right in the smack dab middle of chaos, there is a moment of peace. Today, smack dab in the middle of my "I don't want to unpack all those boxes sitting in my garage" pity party, I got a text from Nanny. Her and Hallie were venturing out and about in the neighborhood on a walk in the wagon. Of course the sight of my baby girl riding in her wagon holding her baby doll tight with her octupus and bunny riding along is enough to make me smile from ear to ear.....but it was where they were going that had me almost giddy with excitement.

Ya see, I forget things sometimes. No wait, I forget things ALL the time. At the top of my list of the forgotten lies the fact that there is a park about 100 yards from our front door. In our quiet neighborhood, up over a hill, lies a large, colorful piece of metal that will keep my baby busy for hours upon hours when the weather is nice again. We were taking a drive around the neighborhood the day that we'd put in an offer on this house when we noticed a little park area up on a hill with a couple of small play toys and a covered picnic area. We never got out of the car to take a look because there really wasn't much to look at at that time. Boy things have changed since last month. They have put in a brand spankin' new play area. I don't think they could've timed it any better. ;) I'm thrilled to say that my little park goer has her very own park right out her front door. I say "very own" because I'm fairly sure she's one of the only younger kids in the neighborhood (although I may be wrong because we haven't met all of our neighbors yet). So for now we are calling it Hallie's Park (named by Nanny).

So why am I making such a big deal about a park?? Well, considering we frequented the park at least five times a week in the spring and summer and sometimes even twice a day, it will be nice to know we won't have to plan on traveling far to play. This mom is all about convenience and it doesn't get much better than this. Here is a Hallie-guided tour with pictures and commentary courtesy of Nanny. Here's a peek at her new stompin' grounds through her little eyes......

"This is how I get to the park. Soon I'll be able to walk there but for now Nanny says I need to take the shuttle"

"Nanny calls this the Blue Line. This is where the Blue Line drops me off"

"And this is where I rest after I climb up these--->"

"Geez, will I even have enough energy to play once I get there??"

"And this is a straight shot to the fun from my driveway"

"And so this is where I stand and contemplate whether or not I'm going to slide down by myself"

"Ah man, I didn't wear my rock climbing shoes"

"And this is where I ride the elephant..."

".....and I can't forget the buffalo."

"And finally, this is where I swing away my troubles."

"Oh one more thing.....I think this is where I'm going to have my next birthday party."

"....we can hang my birthday banner right there....and we can set the cake right over there....."

You heard it straight from the horse's mouth folks. The girl's got it all figured out. I'm just glad that they discovered this little place of peace today. Otherwise I may have never noticed the new playground right under our noses. For now I'll be praying for another 70 degree winter day so that I can go see this place she already loves.

Ya know, it seems kinda fishy that this new playground equipment suddenly appears the moment she moves to the neighborhood. Could it be that somewhere lies a note written in crayon signed "Hallie Grace" asking the neighborhood association for a new park?? Not a chance, but it's funny to imagine it, isn't it?? ;)

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