Monday, December 5, 2011

A not so Bedlam kinda Bedlam

Bedlam: noun 1. a scene or state of wild uproar and confusion
        2. An insane asylum or madhouse

This year I must say that Hallie was the only thing that lived up to definition #1. Talk about confusion.....

"Can you say fashion faux pas mom??"

Our little baby divided was confused from the get go on Saturday. Although I figured she'd be used to wearing orange and crimson by now...just not at the same time. I hadn't thought ahead about her Bedlam day attire and was wishing I would have come Saturday morning. Think fast momma!! I decided we would literally split her in half. And I guess it was fitting that I put OSU colors on top. The little stinker ended up ripping her crimson colored socks off within ten minutes and I found her laying on the ground beside the bed looking mighty guilty....

"I swear mom, dad made me do it..."

I was sporting my crimson and cream while Riley was wearing his orange and black. I had to be representing because we were getting ready to go enter enemy territory.....Nanny and Papa's house. ;)

They embraced their confused little Cowboy/Sooner fan despite the color of her bottom half. She was obviously excited for a day full of fun at Nanny's house while we were busy working at the new house. Before we left she wandered into Nanny's bathroom and returned with these beads......

"These really go well with my outfit, dontcha think"

I should've seen that as an omen and known right then and there what team she would end up cheering for. Quick! Hurry! Someone get that baby some crimson beads!!!! ;) Hallie helped Nanny and Papa prepare lunch and showed up with lunch for Riley and I. They brought some yummy stew and garlic rope bread along with dessert. They even thought ahead and brought over a table and chairs since the house is empty. After lunch Hal took a nap and Nanny got some work done. They had some party hopping to do after all and Hal gal needed her rest. She woke up still confused as ever and headed over to cousin Carmen's house in her get-up. Something tells me that she was even more confused when she saw Carmen dressed in all orange....

"Hey, how come her outfit matches so well?"

Aunt Katie and Uncle Luke were having a party at their house and the girls were representing their team well....

Hal made her way back over to the new house to see what kind of progress we'd made that day. Her first question was "did you get my room done yet?" Ok, I lie. She doesn't even know which room is hers yet, although we are working on that. ;) Nanny and Hal joined us for a pizza and beer party. I had jokingly told everyone that we would pay in pizza and beer for help with painting....I guess I wasn't kidding. ;) The girls had one more Bedlam party to stop at on their way home. A party at the Wise's down the street was going on and Hal showed up in her gear to cheer on both teams. After that was some sleepy time for a worn out Sooner/Cowboy fan and some much needed quiet time for Nanny I'm sure.

So you are probably wondering how our house divided fared in this Bedlam. Well let's just say that this year we chose our marriage over the game. It helped that we had tons of work to get done and we have no cable at the new house yet. We contemplated listening on the radio but then decided that paint brushes might be used as weapons if that were the case. So in the end it was no tv, no radio. Just my trusty friends on Facebook telling me how things were going. :( We don't have a very good track record of what you'd call "nice behavior" on Bedlam days in the past. But you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at these pictures though.....

2006- The year we sat in different sections in the stadium

2004- We went out to eat in Stillwater afterwards and I think he wanted to disown me ;)

The good part is that most Bedlam games are afternoon games and by the end of the day he has gotten over his pouty attitude (I say he because I had yet to be on the losing end of things since we've met). It was kind of becoming a luxury and gosh darn it, I was hoping to keep it that way. I guess my team didn't get the memo though. I have no idea how the game went nor does he. All we know is the final score. For once in our lives, we both voluntarily did not watch our team's game. And I'll tell you what, it's been the most peaceful Bedlam to date. The immature side of me still couldn't get past the fact that this year's game should have been played in Norman and in the end it appears that it wouldn't have mattered if we played in a mud pit, Norman or at the Rose Bowl....either way we were going to be pummeled. Sad but true. Riley did not gloat (much) which I was thankful for. His only game related quote of the night was when I told him the final score...."hahahahah, boo ya!!!" He got an eye roll and then followed it up by saying "I've been waiting eight years to say that to you!!"

As for definition #2 above......well I can certainly say that Riley and I definitely lived up to that by the end of the day. Lots of paint fumes. ;)

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