Sunday, December 25, 2011

A How To Movers Guide and Sneak Peak

Or should I say "how not to move"?

Let's just be honest here. I do not have grace under fire. In fact, I'd say I have insanity under fire. And I'm not talking about the workout. Speaking of working out, that hasn't happened in awhile which might have a lot to do with my level of frustration. The good news is, for every frustrating and overwhelming moment that these past couple weeks has posed there has been an equally wonderful and peaceful moment to offset it. Let's start with the frustrating though, just to get it out of the way. #1: I want to throw my phone off of a cliff. A really tall cliff. I swear that the phone gods know exactly when I'm in the middle of something important or at my whit's end. That, my friends, is when my phone will start to ring a bazillion times. So the #1 rule for "how not to move"......DON'T ANSWER YOUR PHONE.

Rule #2: DO NOT MOVE YOUR BELONGINGS WITH YOUR HUSBAND. This one actually works quite well for us considering one of us always be with Hallie while the other loads up boxes. An alternative: move with your mother-in-law and father-in-law. Much more peaceful. The problem lies in the fact that neither of us wants to be lugging our belongings around for the third time this year so tension is usually running high. Don't even get me started on moving large pieces of furniture with a man directing you. I am usually the one who ends up with a smashed or bleeding finger. Ouch! This rule doesn't always work though. Take last night for example: I put Hallie to bed and took a trip to the rent house to load up my closet while Riley stayed home and painted. When I pulled into the drive he came out to help bring stuff in. I had been expecting the usual "I don't understand why do you think you don't have anything to wear?" lecture. Sure enough, without fail. ;)

Rule #3: MAKE THE WASHER AND DRYER A PRIORITY TO MOVE FIRST. Sub-rule #3: make sure you have painted the laundry room so that you can follow rule #3. Big fat fail on this rule for us. Not that we aren't practiced in the area of doing laundry outside of our home after seven months of doing laundry at Nanny's house, but I hadn't planned ahead very well on this one like you'd have imagined. Oops!
Rule #4: GROOM YOUR DOGS BEFORE MOVING DAY. Why? What better treat for them than to give them a day of pampering and then introduce them to their new home that night? They were definitely spoiled babies on Tuesday this week. No stinky dogs in the new house!

Rule #5: MOVE AT CHRISTMAS TIME. Just don't move on the week of Christmas. A plus is that most of your gifts will be home improvement related. BIG PLUS!! However the stress of moving in the midst of holiday excitement, shopping, cooking and gift wrapping was a bit too much for this movin' momma.

Rule #6: ALWAYS PARK YOUR HORSE TRAILER IN THE BACK OF THE HOUSE. Welp, looks like the Clampetts are coming to the neighborhood. Just add in the toilet that was replaced that is now sitting on the grilling patio just waiting for it's trip to the trash pile, and we are our neighbor's worst nightmare. I'm only kidding....but the toilet is a bit much.

We are home. FINALLY home. A million smiley faces couldn't convey how happy I am. Even the garage full of boxes to unload can't wipe this smile from my face. If you've stepped foot into one of the two rent houses we've resided in over the past year, you would've noticed that I took not even an ounce of pride in either of them. I was beginning to wonder if my bad habits would carry over when we moved in. Turns out that I'm back to obsessively straightening up the house and hunting down crumbs. And just like year later....I'm done griping about this big move. Wow, what on earth will I ever find to occupy my time??

My favorite moment so far in our home would have to be a toss up between watching Hallie see her presents on Christmas morning or looking out the back window from the kitchen to see a snow covered blue spruce in our backyard with light snow falling. Absolutely beautiful.

Without further ado, here is a quick tour of part of our home. Please ignore the hideous light fixtures, unfinished fireplace, the bare walls and our overall lack of furniture. The fireplace will get a facelift next week and the rest will happen sooner or later. For now we are finding peace in knowing that we won't be picking up a paint brush anytime soon. ;)

Breakfast room

Momma's domain

My little baking station

Outside view from kitchen

Dining area

View into living area from breakfast room

Front entrance and hallway to master bedroom

Fireplace with no makeup on ;)

Hallway to the bedrooms

"Hey, let me in Hal!"

The rooms still remain a secret. Mainly because they have nothing in them. Except for Hallie's princess pad of course. That gets it's own blog sometime soon. ;)

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