Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Word of the Day

Hallie has been on an exercise kick lately. Nope, she hasn't been doing squats or baby pushups in the gym....instead she's been exercising her vocal cords almost constantly when she's at home. I stress the phrase "at home" because she usually transforms into a mute munchkin once we leave the house. I'm like the momma who cried baby talk! I swear the girl won't stop talking when we are running around the house. She has been adding at least one word every couple days lately. It's no secret that I like to leave no detail why not write about her new words each time her little self says something new? That way I can keep track of how she really began to talk. She does this adorable thing where she'll "practice" a word before by mouthing it before she will let the sound come out. I'll say a word to her and wait for her to mouth it and when she has it down right the silly girl will blurt it out and give it her best attempt. We were on a special Sonic drink mission yesterday and I asked her if she was still a baby. She immediately moved her lips up and down and then said it back to me and it sounded something like this....."bebe." Once I clapped for her then she really got on a roll. Everything was a "bebe" from that point on. I couldn't wait to get home and show her the real "bebe"......

Sucks to be you "bebe"

Another word that rolled off her tongue yesterday was "cup." No need to change the spelling because this words sounds just right. The part that makes me giggle is how fast she says it like she's trying to put emphasis on it. We couldn't say "cup" without figuring out what's inside of it....."jew", of course. Somebody loves "jew" a lil too much. Lately she's been sucking it down faster than we can pour it. I've had to start diluting it with a lot of water otherwise she'd have a belly ache. She's going to turn into "jew" soon if she doesn't learn the word milk to balance it out. You are probably thinking "well she won't know the difference, just give her milk or water when she asks for juice." I'm shaking my head at you because it won't work. I've tried it and she knows. If you want to see an angry Hallie Grace just give her water instead of "jew." I dare you. ;)

We might have to put a baby yamaka on her soon if don't learn to put the 'c' in juice. ;)
Cup is either in her hand or very close by

One word that I am puzzled as to why she has not said yet is "binky." I can honestly say that it's probably on our list of top 3 words spoken each day.
"If only I could say it then I wouldn't have to stand here and scream for help!!"

My absolute favorite word to hear come out of her mouth is puppy. She has about three names for her beloved friends...."dah", "pup" and "puppah." Puppah comes out very sweet sounding with a very high voice at the end of the word. So sweet! She has also started to look at me and mumble a phrase as if we are having a conversation. She then will sit and look at me while she's waiting for an answer. Baby girl, I wish I knew what you were saying because I'm sure it would give me a good laugh. You will call me by name to get my attention which I am a bit obsessed with. I could listen to your voice on repeat saying "mama" all day long.

Right now we are working hard on shoe.....oh wait, I mean "chew."

1 comment:

  1. Oh how the fun is now beginning once they can use their words! What a precious post! Today when I stopped in to drop by the grands Christmas pajama's Wyatt came running up and says "Oh my dosh GG those are so cute!" You had to wipe me off the floor! Precious times!
