Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Reunited and it Feels so Good!

So I have this friend. She's pretty special. For many, many reasons. If I could rewrite the story of our friendship there are many, many things that I would change. Most importantly I would march right back to high school and tweak a few things that caused us to drift apart. I think we are both convinced that God knew he wanted us to be friends for life and he made sure to get our attention a couple years ago. Fate brought us to the same apartment complex. Not only the same complex but the same building. What are the odds?!?! We were neighbors after seven years of living separate lives. We'd both moved away to college, graduated and were now married. While we were so excited that we'd been reunited in such a coincidental way we didn't take advantage of our opportunity. We had a second chance.....and we totally blew it. We now give ourselves a big F- for not being better neighbors. Between work, school and life happenings we rarely even got to chat in the parking lot let alone actually go to dinner or hang out. Tisk, tisk!! We've been keeping constant tabs on eachother thanks to the addiction known as Facebook....thank goodness for that!! I've been able to watch her become a mommy to their new baby girl Jaley. She is now two months old and I couldn't wait any longer to meet her. Hallie and I made plans to spend some time with the two girls in Edmond before Hal's appointment with McDreamy. The girls were game for a visit from us and we waited in anticipation all weekend!!

I can't tell you how excited I was to finally sit down and spend some time with my long lost best friend. When I say best friend, I mean BEST FRIEND. We were inseparable. I may as well have lived at her house because I don't remember a day passing when I wasn't there. Her parents treated me like one of their own. We preferred to date boys who were best friends as well...that way we could go on double dates. Our sense of humor was something only the two of us understood. Salt and pepper....black and white....ketchup and mustard.....we were Ashley Squared. You couldn't have one without the other. ;)

Today was a special day. She met my Hallie Grace and I met her Jaley Kay. I told myself I wasn't going to cry but the moment I saw her at the door and have her a hug I could feel the tears coming. Hallie immediately got busy exploring their house. She has a beautiful home which Hallie seemed determined to wreak havoc on. We ate some lunch that I'd picked up on our way while Jaley hung out in her bouncy seat looking super cute in her zebra vest.....

Hallie munched on some beans and chicken from Chiptole along with the big girls. She was soon bored and ready to get back to rifling through things that didn't belong to her.....

Tornado comin' through

Sweet Jaley was being such a good girl and let me cuddle with her for quite awhile. Hallie and Ashley read books and found a cartoon on TV to watch. Not that my girl chose to sit still, but she had the option. ;)

"Ok, I'll sit still....but only because this just so happens to be my favorite book"

For a brief moment I found out what it would feel like to have two little ones....

We got to see Jaley's stunningly gorgeous nursery. I was having nursery envy while looking at all the little details she had put into her baby girl's room. It was so great to just be able to chat and catch up on our lives. I insisted on a picture of the four of us before we said goodbye. This picture makes me so very happy....

Ashley & Jaley, thanks for letting us come and visit...and for letting Hal gal ransack your home. Lol! We love you girls and can't wait until our next get together!!!! Here's to third chances at friendship!!

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