Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Day Full of Play

It's very rare for us to not have a plan for the day. I woke up without a plan, went to church without a plan, listened to the pastor preach about not worrying about every little thing, came home and realized that it was Sunday and by gosh I didn't need a plan. Well besides the plan to let Hallie sleep which is not an option when 11:00 rolls around. Hello naptime!! You can bet Riley had plans though......hunting all afternoon as if you hadn't already guessed. The normal Ashley would've been itching to have a plan to fill the day since we would be flying solo. Luckily our day just seemed to fall into place. Aunt Ky was in town and in desperate need of some Hallie time so after the munchkin awoke we met Kylie at the park. We may as well just set up a trailer in the parking lot for as much as we've been there lately. She loves it!!

She showed off her big girl sliding skills for Aunt Ky....

"I got this"

We took a walk around the park and had a little chat with the ducks. She made a few new friends and even batted her eyelashes and giggled at a little boy. It was just too much watching them flirt with eachother in their toddler way. He would peek around at her and then she'd take off in a run all the while giggling. We had a good time Aunt Ky! Thanks for hangin' with us. And we can't forget swingin'.....

A few kisses and hugs later we were on a special mission to increase the size of her car DVD collection. I don't know what it is about buying movies for her that makes me so sad and excited at the same time. Is my girl really getting big enough to snuggle and watch movies with me? Not quite yet but I think she's getting close. We picked up Finding Nemo, a Veggie Tales DVD and the Charlie Brown holiday collection. My goal was to find a long movie that would play for a longer period of time so that I wouldn't have to constantly pull the car over to restart her disc when it finished. If entertainment value of the movie is based on how good the packaging tastes then Hallie gives in two thumbs up and four stars!!! After making our selections we made our way toward the front of the store and ran into some very familiar faces......get ready it's a long list of names!! Cousins Keisha, Jon, Kara, Corbin, Peyton, Aunt Alta and Uncle David. Corbin and Peyton were picking out special gifts from Aunt Alta and Hallie just so happened to weasel her way in on the action. Her and Peyton both picked out little baby dolls. We got to talking and soon Hallie and I found ourselves at Keisha and Jon's house for some playtime and some belated birthday cake for Corbin. The girls got to work feeding Peyton's eerily life-like baby doll.....

"I'm a baby too....and I just so happen to love peas as well!'

Hallie was getting impatient and took the bottle and decided to have herself a sip. We let eerily life-like baby digest her food and waited for her to produce a poopy diaper (like I said, very life-like). In the meantime the trio of munchkins were craving some outdoor time and I wasn't complainin' because it was a gorgeous day! I pulled the girls in the wagon for a good ten minutes. I think I know what Hal needs for Christmas!!

A wagon, dummy! Not a sister! Yet!


Talk about cute! Peyton wanted to push Hallie in her baby stroller. The restless tot lasted about ten seconds in it and then tried to make her great escape.....

We were grateful for an unexpected day full of family and fun. And most importantly....PLAYTIME!!! We definitely need to do more playdates with Keisha and the kids seeing as how we are so nearby now.  The girl watched Nemo on fifteen minute car ride home and was nearly passed out by the time we pulled into the garage. Once dinner was mentioned she perked right up though. Dinner was followed by a nice scrub in the tub to remove all snot, sand, dirt, cake, food, juice and any other substance that she may have attracted during her big day of play.....

"Man I was filthy!!"

The night came to a close with some laps in her pink car chasing the dogs and belting out some huges belly laughs all the while. She held out long enough to surprise Riley at the door when he got home. She went to bed with her new baby doll tonight and something tells me that the doll won't be missing out on Hallie kisses tonight....

Sweet baby girl

Let's just go ahead and add this Sunday Funday to my "thankful" list. It just keeps growing and growing and growing.....

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