Sunday, November 13, 2011

A November Week in Pictures

This is my way of keeping up-to-date....a picture blog! Very few words, lots of pictures from our week. Forgive me, for I've been busy...I mean lazy. ;) I think we left off with last Sunday........

Hallie started off her day of rest like any other Sunday.....lookin' mighty cute. I must mention that her daddy dressed her (with a lil supervision).....

Style points for dada!

We had big plans to head to OKC that afternoon for cousin Aaron's 1st birthday bash. Unfortuntely these plans didn't pan out. Why, you ask. Because of this.....

Not even a "caca" could calm her down. (no, that is not Hallie's Dr. Pepper)

Good thing Nanny had a plan because it worked well in calming Hal down. Nanny and Carmen went for a walk with us....

This is how Carmen preferred to stroll

"I think I'll just stay put right here if that's ok with you Nanny."

Hal was looking like a big grown up girl in her jeans and jacket. Holding Carmen up next to her also makes her look like a giant these days. She's a growin' girl.....

"I be growin' momma"

The weather was so nice that I was feeling the need for another walk. This time we rounded up Riley to join us. Pushing got a little more challenging when they both wanted a ride....

This girl loves the playground. She isn't much into the actual playing part but just enjoys running around exploring. And she's guaranteed to meet a new friend everytime...

Monday night was nice and chilly. Perfect for a night in curled up with my favorites. I left to make a Sonic run and returned to find my girl dressed for bed and ready to snuggle. Oh wait.....

"We got her good dad"
Riley claims that this was the only thing he could find in her pajama drawer. I'll give him some credit....except that he pile of clean laundry was sitting right next to her changing table. It gave momma a pretty big laugh though! I never know what they will come up with!

Tuesday, our favorite day of the week, was the perfect day to stay inside and play all day. That's just what we did. After a morning of errand running we posted ourselves in play heaven and got to playing. First things first, figure out a way to open the monkey in a box without turning the handle. She figured out soon her mouth worked pretty well.....

Tuesday afternoon we could smell the yummy goodness of stew cooking in the crock pot. We had plenty to go around so we invited Papa over for dinner. Hallie was very intrigued by his footwear that he showed up in from the farm. She lugged both of them into the kitchen by herself. She kept trying to balance while holding onto one boot while trying to step in the other. With a little help we turned her into a cowgirl.....

"Please tell me that these don't have cow poop on them"

I might add that I one of the many reasons I'm so excited to move into our home and out of this rent house is so that I don't have to look at that horrible wood panelling in my pictures ever again!!! Scroll back up and check it out in the picture above....beautiful huh? ;)

Wednesday after a short day of work I hurried to relieve Nanny from Hal/Carmen duty so that she could leave for work. I was looking forward to having both girls at the same time to see what it would be like to have two little ones. I'm not going to lie, I was a little nervous at the same time though. Although I didn't even get to see sweet Carmen because she did this for the entire three hours I was there......

Record long napper

She looked so cozy in her little fleece hoody and only stirred once but sucked on her hand for a couple seconds and was out cold again. While she did some afternoon snoozing, Hallie and I did some exploring. Somersaults on Nanny's bed were a must....
"See mom, I've been practicing"

Aunt Katie picked up her sleeping beauty and couldn't believe she'd been sleeping that long. Hallie and I made our way to finish up some work at my office, did a quick clothing change and made our way to help with serving Wednesday night dinner at church. There was no worker in the nursery so it turned into me chasing Hallie around and not being much help at all. Riley showed up and we stood back and laughed as we watched Hallie chase the big kids around as they played big kid games. You could tell she was taking it all in and wanting to play so badly. Soon, baby girl, soon! That night she was exhausted and it showed.....

Dreaming of playin' with the big kids

Thursday was another beautiful afternoon so we made a beeline for the park after work. She made it clear that she'd much rather see the ducks than swing.....
"Please make this ride stop?"

Thursday was a special day for our favorite man. It was the 236th birthday of the Marines. We made him a special dinner to celebrate and gave him a spectacular performance the following morning in honor of our Veteran. I spotted our flag in the corner near the front door. Hallie and marched while I waved the flag and we sang Grand Ol' Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance. I helped Hal hold her hand over her heart while Riley watched us and laughed. I'm sure it was a sight to see with my hair a mess and Hallie in her diaper with a runny nose. I waved the flag as Hallie looked at me and clapped. Happy Veteran's Day to our favorite Vet...

I took the special man out to lunch before he went to the Veteran's Day program at the high school. After work we took a trip back to our favorite hang out spot and met Riley this time for a stroll around the park and some time with the "duhs."

Look at all those "duhs"

Hallie and I saw something that day that neither of us had ever seen before. All the "duhs" were diving toward the bottom of the pond for food. I couldn't help but snap a picture of the little white one with this booty up in the air.....
Even the ducks know I take too many pictures

Our little lady took her own stroll across the bridge to her favorite play area. But we had to stop a few times to inspect the bridge like always and stick our hands in the holes....

Saturday was a big day full of traveling to see some special people (which I'll write about in a separate post). Gman and Hal got in a few quality bonding minutes while we were at the hospital visiting Meme....

"I think it's this way Gman"

Which leaves us at Sunday morning again. And yet another Sunday fashion shot of my little doll....

There you have it folks...another week in the life of Hallie. She's got it made in the shade if you ask me. Parks, playtime, family time and basically running the show around here.....and it's working out quite well.

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