Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Very Girly Thanksgiving

Did someone say Thanksgiving food??????? Ok, I'm there!!!

Did someone say friends and babies?????? Ok, Hallie's there too!!!

This Saturday we had were thrilled to reunite with some awesome ladies for our annual and sacred girl's Thanksgiving. I was so looking forward to seeing my classmates that I wasn't even dreading the long journey to Edmond. Riley strapped the DVD players on the headrests and Hallie was in heaven with two screens to look at. She wasn't sure which one she wanted to watch although they were playing the same video. Whoever invented portable entertainment devices is my hero forever. We made a stop in Enid to visit Meme which broke the trip in half and gave Hal a nice little break to run around and burn off some energy. The second leg of our ride was not as pleasant but with a lot of silly mommy voices and about four pit stops along the side of the interstate to search for binkies and cups we made it with my sanity completely intact. Have I mentioned yet just how excited I was to see these girls?!?! It's a lot different when you are all in the same vicinity and you have the chance to see friends anytime you wish....I'm still getting used to being so far away. It'd been way toooooo long!!!

Auntie Laura showed up right as Hallie and I were lugging our stuff into Melissa and Sara's house. Hallie was beaming the moment she heard Laura talk. She must already know just how stinkin' cool Auntie Laura really is!! Big time bummer though...Laura was only able to stay a measly fifteen minutes and then left for her high school reunion. Somebody else who's now super cool in her books is Melissa. Here's one of the reasons why.....

"How did you know food was my favorite?"

We had a huge spread of food to gorge on. My favorite of the night happened to be an appetizer Jamie and Audra made....they were these amazingly addictive and delicious pretzel balls from Pinterest. If they didn't sound so labor intensive I'd have to make them myself!

Some other cool kats that caught Hallie's eye were her two potential boyfriends whom she hadn't seen in quite awhile. In fact, this is how tiny they were last year......

Keeping her options open

Big boy Maddox showed Hallie had to maximize the use of her camera....

He kept saying "the flash didn't work on that one!" Lol

Nearly two-year-old Kingston was sweet and brought his tractor and car toys to share with the kiddos....

"Mom, why don't you buy me some tractors and cars, huh?"

The three of them were hilarious and had us all cracking up as they chased eachother round and round and round. Hallie even started a crawling trend....

"Hey guys, remember when crawling was a big deal!?!"

With momma Julie's help we managed to get the three of them to sit still for a sweet kiddo picture....

Two men and a little lady!

Despite the kid's lightening quick speed I was able to position myself on their "race track" and got a shot that showed just a little bit of their fun....

"I didn't realize my legs could move this fast"

She didn't let the boys quick moves intimidate her. And even through a few rough and tumble accidents she kept on going....
"I need some brothers ASAP!!!!!"

After about thirty million laps they were sweaty and red-faced munchkins. One in particular was getting close to bedtime. But we couldn't pry ourselves away just yet. More fun to be had!

"I think I'll just stay here mom"

We couldn't have a girl's Thanksgiving without a group picture!! In true blogger fashion I just had to take a quick look back at last year's group shot. Check out wittle baby Hallie....



Although we don't see eachother often it's always a fun, relaxing evening to catch up on everyone's busy lives. In the spirit of Thanksgiving I've got to say that I'm extremely thankful for all of these girls and classmates that I've kept in touch with since we graduated. Our hostesses for the evening, Melissa and Sara, are preparing to embark on the adventure of a lifetime to Indonesia to live and work their for several years while they do mission work. There just wasn't enough time in the evening to hear about all of their recent stories so that's why I'm already so pumped up about our girl's Christmas in less than a month!!!!!

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