Sunday, November 6, 2011

Non-stop Laughs

We've been laughing at Hallie for fifteen months now. But never have we been laughing this hard. She wakes up each morning with some new things she's magically learned overnight. Ok, I lie. Sometimes it is no mystery where she learns these new tricks. For example, here's a classic clip of Riley teaching Hallie how to flush the toilet....

Just for the record I was out of town while this trick was being taught. I think that's our water bill I just heard shoot through the roof! It's officially time to put a safety latch on the toilet....that is unless I want to find that my watch and hair brush are missing. ;) Although this is only something a man would teach his tomboy, I was laughing pretty hard as I watched the video. I was still smiling when I received a second video for my entertainment. This one had me wishing I hadn't left for the evening. My girl was on a roll with her comedy and I was missing it all. Well, kinda. This is the part that I was able to see of her putting Riley's sandals on and taking a stroll......

Her frustration was clear but the whole hitting her head thing is nothing new. She hits her head with her cup, spoon, tv remote, plastic bat, telephone, etc. You name it, she uses it as an object for self-inflicted pain.

Bathtime has always been a favorite of hers but now it's also becoming a favorite of mine. It's a time I look forward to because I know she will be putting on a show. However lately we've been having trouble making it all the way through her beloved bathy without meeting a certain obstacle. And that obstacle would be poop. My sweet girl keeps pooping in the tub. How is this funny, you ask? Well the only thing funny is the way she lets me know that she's had an accident. Riley taught her how to say "uh oh!" So not only do I look up to find her with one leg nearly out of the tub but she repeats "uh oh, uh oh." Uh oh is right, baby girl.

She has an overwhelming fascination with my bathroom drawers. So many great things to string through the house. But best of all, it houses her "toofbrush" and "toofpaste." We've been working very hard on learning those two new words. Although the words aren't ready to come out now, she has the toofbrushing thing down for sure. Like a purse is a woman's accessory, her toofbrush is her finest accessory. I never know where I'm going to find it which means that it undergoes a lot of sanitizing. But let's be clear about this hobby of hers......she has to be the one doing the brushing. One taste of that yucky toofpaste and she locks up her mouth and throws away the key.

"I've got this mom.....see, I'm getting the back molars really good"

She is getting excitingly close to doing a full-blown somersault. She can be found in a tripod stance on any rug in the house quite often. I actually got down in the same position beside her the other day to see the world from her perspective.

"Glad you decided to join me!"

When she's not bathing, brushing her teeth or banging her head on the floor, she can be found helping with dishes......

Snacking on an entire breakfast sandwich....

 Or just kickin' back and watching some Sunday morning cartoons....

Our little comedian is learning new words at an alarming rate. I get an amazing amount of joy when I hear a new word, or any word for that matter, come from her sweet little mouth. Along with adding new words she has perfected her old words and is now saying mama, dada, bye bye, hi, dog, cracker, bite, uh huh, uh uh, love you much more clearly and much more often. My heart nearly exploded the other day when I called to check on my two favorite people. Riley held the phone up to her and she said "hi mama" and then told me "bye bye." She will randomly holler out "hi dada" as we walk past Riley on our way into the kitchen. The dogs get the best greetings though. The moment we get home to let them out in the backyard she is walking around frantically yelling "dah, dah, dah!" She has this funny way of high stepping and turning in circles when she gets really excited. Usually food is her motivation to start running in place and squealing. Big shocker, I know! ;)

She is quick to give a wave and a big ol' "hi" to any stranger passing by. No stranger danger here yet! I'm not sure who is more offended when she doesn't get a hello back. Me or her? Though I'm convinced that they are so surprised that such a little girl is offering up such a happy greeting that they don't know what to say back. Or maybe they can't understand her Hallie language! ;)

"Hi friend!"

Holy warp speed!!!! Time must slow its roll or my baby is going to be a baby no longer before I know it!! I want her to keep her clumsy toddle walk forever, and have to ask for help to climb up on something, and need to hold my hand to get up a step. Even though I can't stop Hal from growing I know we'll always be able to laugh at her.....and I have NO doubt that she will be providing us with plenty of laughs forever and ever and ever no matter her age.

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