Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Snapshots

Today was just like any other Sunday. Dress up, church, Sunday school and nap. Two out of three people got naps today....can you guess which two? Actually this is my preference because it gives me some mommy time to get stuff done. I did some cleaning and cooking while the fam snoozed away. Hallie took a good long nap and woke up in a chipper mood. Riley went to work for a while to get some stuff done. Yes, he worked on a Sunday. If anyone can convince him that it's a ridiculous thing to work on a Sunday then you are my hero. ;) The hospital is lucky to have him though...hard workin' fella he is! Hallie and I ran around town in the rain getting things checked off my "to do" list. We waited so long in line at Walmart that I thought I'd made a new BFF in the lady standing in line behind us by the time we checked out. The main reason I would have agreed to be her BFF is because she managed to keep Hallie entertained during our twenty minute wait. No. Joke. Something strange is going on at our Walmart. Shelves are bare. Produce is yuck. Lines are crazy long. But alas, they rule the world so we don't have anothe option but to put up with them. After our girl excursion we made a couple special visits to see some friends....and meet two very special baby boys. We took dinner over to our friends Kim and BJ & Steven and Rachelle and got to hold some sweet, sweet babies this afternoon. Hallie was on her very best behavior and it didn't hurt that she had a puppy and her friends Kyler and Lilly to play with.

Back home she had some Halloween inspired playtime with Riley.....


Sweet hugs for her furry sisters....

They get the best random Hallie hugs

Followed by cuddle time in the big brown chair with Riley....

Can't forget the pat down of Mrs. Scarecrow. She did look sort of suspicious....

"Hey! Who are you!?"

Riley and Hallie had a pre bedtime bonding sesh while I went on a special mission to help Nanny get her Pinterest account started. The munchkin settled in for an early bedtime....Riley tells me "she was ready." For good reason too...she played hard today and needs all the rest she can get to keep up with the big kids tomorrow at Miss Paula's. I can't help but think that soon she will be one of the big kids. Eeeeek!

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