Friday, October 7, 2011

The Girl's Got Spirit

At least one member of our family of three had the school homecoming spirit today. I found it ironic that I was trying to drag my husband to his hometown homecoming game…the chair was calling his name and Hal was begging for bed. I can’t say I was too disappointed in his decision….I was picturing a lot of relaxing tonight too but wouldn’t have minded a little homecoming action either. Alas, we settled for a tailgate party and called it a night. I guess I’m getting ahead of myself though. Here’s how our little one spread her Boomer cheer today….

Boomerette and Nanny had a very busy day around town. Hallie made sure to put on her Boomer best in honor of homecoming tonight. They made their way from school to school this morning hanging fliers for the church spaghetti supper. I don't think the plan was to let Hal run around with the kiddos but she wouldn't have had it any other way. I hear that she followed them from the library to their classroom where she made all of them giggle as she ran around (very fast I might add) like a crazy woman. She made sure to say hi to Miss Connie in the library....

"I want to check this book out. Is there an age requirement?"

In usual Hallie fashion she wasn't even a wee bit shy and managed to entertain a room full of students. One in particular seemed to be interested in entertaining her too....or scaring her it seems....

After their school duties she had a nice lunch with Aunt Katie and Nanny downtown before her nap to prepare for the homecoming parade. I really wish I would've been able to be there for her spirited day but pictures will suffice I guess. I got this one from Nanny before Hal went to the parade with Nanny and Papa...

I picked up this silly girl after work for some tailgating fun....

"Do I have to get dressed or will this hat work?"

We made our way quickly over to the Wallace's house for a tailgate party with his coworkers. They were welcoming the new PT applicant from Nebraska into town. Yummy food, good friends and lots of kiddos to entertain eachother. Hal was still busy spreading her Boomer spirit....

Her friend Paige was also decked out in her Boomer girl gear.....

Two cuties

Erin and I attempted to get a sweet pic of the two friends but someone wasn't feeling the pic. She was too busy burrowing her head in the carpet.....

"That doesn't look like fun at all..."

Thanks for giving it a try girls!

Our dog lover was banging to get out to the backyard most of the night to sneak a peek at Dave and Kelly's new Bernese Mountain pup, Miss Roxie....

Blurry, but cute!

As always Hal chose to bug the older kids who were giving it a go at the piano. I think she was cramping their style a little by pounding on the keys during their pretty song.....

"They don't mind at all mom. Promise"

We had a great time as usual with his work friends and I'm certain that Hallie had a blast. She didn't stop moving for even a second. Well, only when I handed her a cookie until she decided to eat it on the go. I might also note that our pretty got her second kiss tonight. One little boy had his eye on her and kept hollering "kiss! kiss!" when he was near her. She didn't seem to mind at all as she was diggin' the older boys tonight. She grabbed Cari and Tom's son, Sam, by the arm to go play. Funny girl! I'm unsure where she got her extrovert qualities from because it sure isn't me. She wore her little Boomer booty out tonight and is resting peacefully as I type. All three of us are hoping for some good sleep because we all have very busy (and fun) days planned tomorrow!

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