Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fifteen Months Going on Fifty

You my lady are one spectacular mini human being. Just when I get used to just how spectacular you are you go right ahead and blow me away again. Yes, it's that time yet again. Time for me to gush over you and tell you all the ways I love you. My tiny girl, you are fifteen months old today. This can't be real. I guess if we aren't allowed to stop time then I'll at least try to preserve it.....

It wouldn't be a monthly love letter without starting with food. You have begun trying to use your spoon to take bites of food. You have actually been successful a handful of times with scooping a bite into your mouth instead of down your shirt or in your face. The hard part is just steadying it on the spoon when your little hand wants to go every which way. You have been practicing on Thursday and Fridays with Nanny quite a bit. Your need to feed has seen a gradual decline over the past month. Most of this has to do with teething and a lot of pain that kept you from having your normal cravings and speed feedings. Bananas remain your favorite food with any kind of berries running a close second. Messes seem to have shrunk as your accuracy has improved.....meaning that the food hits your mouth a lot more often than it hits your lap or the floor. That is unless you are intentionally feeding the dogs which is a favorite mealtime activity of yours. I can almost gaurantee anytime I hand you a cracker that you will get this sly smile on your face, look down to find the dog and drop it in their mouth. Lucky dogs. Not only can you take better bites but you can also say the word "bite." This came out of nowhere last week when I asked "Hallie, do you want another bite?" and you answered simply with "bie." Bite without the 't' is a lot cuter. ;)

So about those teefers I mentioned above. Yowzers!!!!!!!!!! That was a rough and tough week for you. I can't recall a time I felt so sorry for someone as I did you that week. You battled an almost constant fever, earache, pain and the worst diaper rash you've had so far. Little welts and blisters popped up overnight and you were miserable. Turns out so was your mom. Diaper rash and teething = no sleep for the entire house. Now that you've added two new teeth to your set of chompers, it appears that you have two others ready to join the party. I hope they make a more quiet appearance that their neighbors did. When these two pop through you will have ten teeth!! Count em! TEN! Eight on top, two on bottom. All you'll want for Christmas is "some more bottom teeth" (sang in a sing songy voice of course).....

Count em!

Speaking of darling, we will be settling into a new home by Christmastime this year. It's hard to believe that last Christmas you were still so small and we were preparing to make the big move to Woodward. Here we are one year later getting ready to make another big move....down the street this time. It's a big move in the sense that I hope and intend for this to be the home that you grow up in. I want this to be the place you feel like you belong. I can't wait to make your room into an actual room again....a space that belongs to you and reflects your personality. I have so many plans running through my head. A playground in the backyard for you, a beautiful girly haven for you and a playroom for all of your toys. For once in your little life, you might see what your momma looks like when she's calm and settled. Just maybe...;) We took a jog over to our new house this week and I snapped a pic of your in the driveway. I wonder if they'll leave that horsey in the pic behind your stroller......

"We can only hope"

I have mentioned before some of the new words that you have started saying. Some come in the form of a whisper and others are yelled at the top of your lungs. One of your sweetest things you do is when you whisper "dada"...this is usually when we pull up to the house. You see the say "dada."  You have been jabbering with a lot more passion lately. By this I mean that you actually sound like you are having a conversation sometimes....either with yourself, the dogs or a toy. The inflection you put on each word sounds like you know exactly what you are talking about. Each time I have the pleasure of hearing your babbling I just can't help but be excited about how amazing it will be when I actually recognize the words spewing from your mouth.

Even though you are only fifteen short months old, I can say without a doubt that you are going to be a spunky individual. I envy your zest for life and discovering new things. I realize this comes along with being a baby but you seem to be a little less content sitting back and taking things in. You just have to be in the middle of everything, checking out every noise, every voice, every shadow....everything.

My lil explorer

You are quickly getting the hang of running and have a better gallop when you are wearing your tennis shoes. You have been wearing shoes more often than not lately and you don't mind them at all. The days of screaming and ripping them off to throw are long gone. Now you even try to put them on. Each morning when we put your shoes on I have one shoe and I hand you the other to try to put on. You'll get there soon baby girl. You will always hate getting dressed I'm afraid of. It seems that the cuter the outfit, the more complicated it is to put on which means all the more screaming and fit throwing. Speaking of tantrums, they usually crop up when you have something taken from you. Usually it involved me taking your cup to refill. I'm on your side missy...just hold your horses! You are right on the verge of somersault status….I literally cannot wait until you finally flip all the way over. Oh what a day it will be. I can just imagine your smile right now. And I know for sure you will want to do it over and over again. Which brings me to my next point….you don’t slow down. I’ve got to be honest when I tell you that I’m sometimes afraid of taking you certain places because I can’t always guarantee that you will be content with me holding you. Take carpet shopping the other day for example. :/ You lasted a respectable ten minutes and after that you’d had enough of just looking at the pretty tile on the wall. You just had to get your hands on it. Obstinate would be a good word to describe your ways sometimes. Like when I insisted on picking you up. No matter how exciting I make it seem or how many airplane noises I make, if you didn’t want to be picked up in the first place then you are sure to let me know about it.

You are still having some separation anxiety. But it has now extended to anytime someone leaves our house or says "bye bye." You now know exactly what that means and you DO NOT like it. Along with this trait comes lots of extra hugging and kissing. You now offer up hugs and kisses without being asked. This is the best gift you give. A big ol hug around my legs at the end of the day could solve all the world's problems. You, my angel, have a contagious smile that literally stretches from corner to corner. I love the innocence in you grin and that sly look you have in your eyes. I always know when you are up to something. Recently you have learned how to hide from your dad and I. When I call your name you sometimes take off running and hide in another room waiting around the corner for me to walk in. Peek-a-boo is always a must when taking a bath...the shower curtain serves as the perfect peek-a-boo accessory.

You are still loving your time at Ms Paula's with all of your new friends. And don't get me started on just how much you love Ms. Paula. You jump straight from my arms into her's each morning and have stopped the whole "momma is leaving" crying spells. Sometimes I arrive to find you sitting so patiently and quietly on the floor sharing a snack with Paula. You are so friendly and easy to get along with. It doesn't take you long to warm up to anyone. Shy you are not, my dear. I don't think we will ever have to worry about you being a hermit. You hadn't seen cousin Presley and Aunt Pauline since the beginning of the summer and you had no problem cozying up quickly......

"Hey, I remember you..."

"Missed me, missed me, now ya wanna kiss me."

"Ok, so let's go over your names one more all look alike."

You are the light of Nanny, Papa and Gman's eyes. It's funny to hear all of the nicknames they come up with for you. I'm fairly certain you have at least twenty nicknames right now. You continue to finagle your way deeper into your grandparent's hearts. It may have something to do with your innocent "I didn't do it" look......

"Who, me?"

I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that you are the silliest person I know. I don't even need pictures to prove it but of course I have evidence......

Helping mama at work

Watching cartoons upside-down is a lot more fun

Helping dada at work

As you can see you are a lot of help. I usually don't leave the office without picking up a few pieces of shredded papers and a paper clip container that's been emptied on the ground. Riley's office got a visit from Hurricane Hallie the other day too. You leave a major path of destruction everywhere you go little lady. Toys, books, clothes, diapers, brushes, cups, binkies and blankets spread throughout the house.....I'm rarely able to easily spot a binky though, I swear you have a hiding place somewhere in this place and maybe we will come upon a goldmine of binkies when we pack up and move. You sneaky binky hider you!!

Your love for reading has fizzled out a bit this past month but it hasn't stopped me from wrangling you up and holding you tight in my lap for a book. The reason I have to hold you so tight it because you are usually trying to escape with all of your might. Fifteen month olds apparently don't have time to read. You have a new vested interest in my phone. You love to grab hold of it and turn the screen around and around in your hand. I haven't figured out the excitement in it but it seems to hold your attention pretty well. I've added some new books and a piano app to my phone and your face lights up everytime I hold the screen up for you. We practice your colors and animals on long car rides these days. Which you are doing quite well with the car lately....but I won't say much else about it because I don't want to jinx it! You are a huge fan of anything outdoors. I have yet to see you throw a fit outside (well that is unless we are jogging in the stroller). You love to do anything and everything mama and dada does. You stand beside and point and talk as if you know exactly what's going on. It looks like we are entering the imitating phase. My favorite thing you've imitated so far was when you spotted your dada give me a smack on the decided to do the same so you got up on your tippy toes and gave me a smack as well. I couldn't help but laugh at you the other day when you picked up your fake camera and put it up to your eye like you see me do all the time. Turning the camera on me for a change huh? ;)

I never thought I could need somebody as much as I need you. I end each day more exhausted than the day before but somehow can't wait to go pluck you out of your crib each morning to see what kind of greeting you have for me. It's not always a nice greeting to be honest but I know you love me. You have no idea yet just how much you are loved....I do believe that each day is an opportunity to show you just how much.

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