Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Halloween Scene

Let's face it. I have a problem.

My name is Ashley and I'm a flashaholic.

A camera flash, that is. ;)

Downtown Woodward is looking very artsy these days since the high school art students made sidewalk chalk masterpieces up and down Main Street. Nanny and Papa took Hallie downtown to check out the artwork on Thursday and I was able to stop and say hi for a few minutes on my way through town to the office at the end of the day. While we were walking up the street I got an idea that of course involved my camera and my favorite girl. Saturday night brought perfect weather which meant it was time to put Hallie in her Halloween best and walk the streets. These chalk drawings are just so colorful and amazing that I thought it would be a neat place to get some pictures of my girl in her Halloween tutu. It was a little before bedtime so I was certain that she would be happy with getting to run free down the sidewalk and awe at all the pretty colors. I guess I can say I was half right.....she was happy content but not so smiley. Curious would be a good word I guess. She was much more interested in peering through store fronts. ;)

First things first, I wanted to get a good shot of Hallie with her pretty girly pumpkin that great aunt Lisa made for her. For some reason Hallie has a slight fear of the round orange variety. Lol!

"This is pretty but what is it doing on my tutu?!"

"Ok, I'll touch, but just for a second"

This next picture would prove to be the theme of the evening. Motion shots of her running away....

"Cya lata suckers!"

Her favorite artwork seemed to be the Snoopy one...

Then she made sure to run fast past the spooky ones.....


The sun was beginning to set and her eyes were getting a little glassy but she was still going full force. That is until I set her down on the bench like a big girl....

I tried a good ten thousand times to get her to sit on a store doorstep holding her pumpkin. She had other plans for her pumpkin.....

"Let's see here......"

"There. That's much better"

"Mom, we've done this same pose a thousand times. Let's move on, ok?"

"Maybe if I act really interested in this she will stop taking my picture...."

I could only imagine the thoughts running through her little mind. She was so patient with me and finally warmed up to the idea of holding one of her pink pumpkins....

"Ok mom, are you satisfied now?"

We still had plenty more artwork to see so we made our way down the street to check it out.....

"This artwork is deep man"

"And you wonder why I'm scared of pumpkins...."

"I take it you're a friendly ghost?"

"Just in case you haven't noticed, I'm getting a little sleepy"

What a good sport she was to put up with me while I snapped some festive shots of my Halloween queen. I would venture to guess that she had the most fun while squealing and running down the sidewalk. Bedtime was upon her and it was time to go. But not before rolling her unsuspecting pumpkin over the curb one more time. That girl! I did manage to get "the money shot" in all of our wandering around....

 I love any excuse to start a holiday tradition and it looks like we just started a new one. :)

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