Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Little Moments

Yesterday I had a moment. No, not a senior moment. :) A mommy moment, I guess you could say. I walked into pick up Hallie after a very long and yawn-filled day of work to find her doing something I'd never seen before. My sweet baby-faced girl was sitting next to her friends watching a movie quietly on the floor. I didn't really have time to register that fact that my daughter was actually sitting still for an extended period of time because the moment she saw me come around the corner she was already on her feet literally running toward me making her happy holler sound. I bent down to pick her up but instead she just stayed put with her feet on the ground and my sweet tiny friend wrapped me in a hug. Such a big hug that she took me by surprise. And it didn't stop. She just sunk into my arms and stayed there while I took in what I'd just seen. All of her little friends were still in their movie trance looking like little cult babies. Was my baby growing up right before my very eyes? I guess it's moments like these that knock you back and remind you that they really don't stay young forever and there will come a day when she will load up her car and drive away for good. Yeah sure, I'll still get the occasional hug on her weekends home and holidays...but I want Hallie hugs everyday. I want her to run into my arms everyday. I want her to hug me tight like I'm all she ever wanted or needed. So I'm going to take my little moments and bottle them up so that when that day comes when she isn't my baby girl anymore I can remember when she was.

I guess the way she makes me feel can best be summed up with a song. I realize this song was written about a woman and a man but I couldn't help but see that it fits just right for me and my baby girl too. Thanks Brad Paisley....

When she's layin' on my shoulder on the sofa in the dark,
And about the time she falls asleep so does my right arm,
And I want so bad to move it 'cause it's tinglin' and it's numb,
But she looks so much like an angel that I don't wanna wake her up
Yeah I live for little moments,
When she steals my heart again and doesn't even know it
Yeah I live for little moments like that

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