Sunday, April 10, 2011

A picture says a thousand words....

"What happened here??"

I really don't have to write anything about this week. All you need to do is check out that picture up above. That says it all. Just a bit of slightly organized chaos this week. :)

Monday: Oh my. There are no words to describe how bad Monday mornings dislike the Fannings. We, in turn, dislike Mondays right back. Hallie started out her Monday with a very runny faucet (nose) and lots of eye rubbing. "Just allergies from all the outdoor activities we did the past weekend" is what I was thinking. Despite her "allergies" she was a ball full of energy all day and used some of that energy to help me at work at the end of the day....

"How did they know I would need some toys up here?!"

Tuesday: Busy, busy day. That came to a screeching halt. I had our babysitter Linda watching Hallie on Tuesday instead of Wednesday this week because I would be taking Wednesday off to go to Enid. My runny-nosed gal went to Linda's still spunky, but when I got a call at 1:30 I knew she was anything but. Linda was very worried about her so I hurried over to pick her up. I found my sweet baby very lethargic and lying on Linda's chest in and out of sleep. She wouldn't smile at me nor acknowledge that I was there. Very unlike my girl. Her face looked very droopy and swollen around her eyes and she just gave me a vacant stare. Broke my heart! And scared the living heck out of me! After a quick call to Hallie's doctor, I called Riley to see what we should do. Her doc was out of the office for the afternoon. :( Riley needed to see her with his own eyes so I carted her up to his office. One look at her and he was lugging her carrier down the hallway to one of his provider's offices. To put it bluntly, we basically just barged in the middle of her clinic day and asked her to assess Hallie. I am really starting to love the perks of Riley's job. Very urgent care!!! :) Luckily she was able to check her out and we found that she had a double ear infection, a red throat, some yucky sounding lungs and a 102 fever. YIKES!! We made our way to the pharmacy to pick up a cocktail of drugs and quickly got some antibiotics running through her.We stopped by to visit Nanny at work to have a little bit of help getting all of this medicine in a restless baby. Once we got home my goal was to get her to smile...or show some life in those beautiful blue eyes. Finally, a smile! But still lots of whining and sadness all afternoon and evening. She layed down for a quick nap and awoke with the same fever. Lots of cold juice and a couple cool baths later she was still very much miserable. As the night went on after Riley got home we were trying everything to get her fever down. Us paranoid freaked-out parents hauled ourselves up to the ER. Here's where the "parents who cried fever" story begins. :)

"Thumbs up? Seriously dad!?"

The girl perked up and her fever went down a bit once we got into the ER. We were sent home feeling silly but at ease that she was okay. She went to bed with a fever that night, slept like a baby and awoke in the a.m. with no signs of her sickness the day before. She had lots of energy stored up in that little body that was bursting at the seams to get out! PTL!!! Hallie was back to normal. Amazing the resilience of those wee ones!

Wednesday: (refer to A Heavenly Birthday blog entry ;)) It was a beautiful day to celebrate and remember. My mom's 53rd birthday. I was so relieved that Hallie was back to normal and able to make the special trip to Enid to start a new tradition. Riley followed behind us and decided to make a work day of it and meet in Enid with a potential employee of Woodward hard workin' man never stops!!! Hallie and I made a stop by Aunt Heather's work to say hello and then met Riley at the bank to sign some papers for my new momma ride......

Meet Ms. Black Betty

Thursday: The morning came too quickly. Hallie was on fire this morning!! There was no slowing her down and there was no speeding her dad and I up. We were definitely dragging from a late night on Wednesday. After a long day of traveling for work I was ready for some relaxation (this would include laundry, running and cleaning).  Instead, Riley and I cleaned up for the Spring Physicians Mixer at The Hampton that night. Well I cleaned up, he was able to stay in his work attire....

My love

We had a great time at dinner...mainly because we sat with someone who is pretty important. "Why?", you ask. Well because this man, Aaron, introduced Riley and I. Pretty special story to us and we got to relive it Thursday night. I was working at the grain elevator during harvest the summer of 2004 with Aaron and my cousin Eric. Riley just so happened to be hauling wheat in and caught my eye. Aaron made it a point to embarrass me numerous times and let Riley know that I thought he was pretty good-looking. After some prompting from our matchmaker, Riley asked for my phone number and that's when it all started. About a month ago I ran into Aaron at the quikstop one morning. He walked past me and looked at me as if to say "I know you but I don't know how I know you." So after a few awkward glances we discovered who eachother was and after a little small talk he realized that Riley and I had ended up getting married and had started a family. He seemed pretty pumped about this and proceeded to say "you're welcome" even though I hadn't said thank you yet! Anyways, long story short, his wife works at the hospital with Riley. So when Riley's boss asked us "how did you two meet?" we simply pointed to Aaron across the table. It's a small world. I also happened to be sitting next to another special person. One of Riley's other providers that he manages just so happens to be a childhood friend of my mother. They grew up together in Higgins, TX and went to school together. An even smaller world! :) By 9:30 we were badly missing our girl and picked her up from Aunt Katie and Uncle Luke's after her night of fun. Thanks to Katie and Nanny for watching our babe!

Friday: What happened between the hours of 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. do not need to be relived because all it involved was work and no play. So I'm skipping to the fun part of the day! Strogging 101. Let me just say, jogging with a stroller is not as simple as one may think. I had this vision of easily flying through the trails like a gazelle. Bahaha! More like clomping along like an out of shape Clydesdale. Man that thing needs some better shocks and turning radius. I have no idea what those two words mean that I just mentioned but it sounded mechanical so let's just go with it. But before I could discover the difficulty in strogging, I had to put the contraption together. Much easier than her other stroller but a little bit riskier considering we are moving at top speed in this buggy. More visions came to me...these were not so pleasant...I was picturing the front wheel coming loose and the baby flying out into the air. I guess my mechanical skills were good enough to prevent this, but only time will tell if I did a "quality job". I know what you are thinking..."how hard can it be?" Well when you have nightmares about instruction manuals, piles of foreign looking parts and a small baggie full of different sized screws, then it can be a pretty daunting task. Here was my arch nemesis staring me right in the face....

"Give me your best shot stroller"

"You don't scare me"

Good thing I had a helper to keep me on task....

"Mom, you forgot a part"

She was all smiles as I got her strapped in for the ride of her life.....

"This training stuff is easy"

We safely made it three miles without any mishaps or flying babies. She wasn't too sure about our 5K training once the wheels started turning but she soon warmed up to the fast ride and fell fast asleep. A deep enough sleep to allow me to grab her from the stroller and strap her in the carseat for the ride home without moving a muscle....

Sidenote: Gerber juice blends come in handy on a run when you get thristy and your child is too sleepy to want to drink it. I forgot water so I think I probably looked pretty legit downing a tiny Gerber juice bottle. Don't knock it til you try it...the carrot blend is pretty tasty! lol. Is it sad that I sort of crave baby juice now?

Saturday was jam packed with goings-on! We started off the morning with a very big treat....SLEEPING IN TIL 9!!!! Woah!!! A much needed two extra hours of sleep Hallie Grace had needed for the day ahead. We snatched up our little one from her sleeping quarters and plopped her down in bed with us. Man, she was in heaven. If I haven't mentioned it already the girl loves attention! Self-entertainment has dwindled to an all time low and it is up to her worn out parents to provide constant (and I mean constant) attention to this wee one. So attention we gave her. I gathered some of her new books from Aunt Lana and we did some family reading. Emmi even joined in on the fun. After someone started to get restless we decided to take our operation into the fun room. This is when the demolition of the house began and would continue throughout the day. Riley made a quick trip to Mooreland with Bill to watch an auction. My guy loves to do auctioneering impersonations...I think he just wanted to go and get some new material  from the auctioneer for his "performances" that he often gives us at home. Lol! "Give me five, five, five...sold!!" He must have been having a little too much fun because he was late getting back home as I was tapping my foot at the door ready to hand over the babe and go with the girls to get our nails done. The little stinker was an angel for her daddy and napped the whole time I was gone. I honestly think she saves all of her craziness for yours truly! But I love the loco baby!!

I revelled in the relaxation time with Aunt Katie, Aunt Kylie, and Nanny. I have been dying to check out the little baby boutique store across the street from the nail place so I trekked a whole fifty feet over there and picked up some goodies for summer...a cute MudPie dress for my lil one, an adorable shirt for cousin Carmen Jo, and a summer beach bag for the days that I plan to spend with Hallie at the aquatic center. Oh yeah, and a hat to finish off Hallie's Easter ensemble. I love not having to drive thirty minutes to Norman to go to my favorite boutique. Low and behold, there is one right under my nose here in town. I think I may be getting used to this small town life...except for the radio stations. That, my friends, I will never get used to. ;)

Our afternoon mission included making a trip to Shattuck to finish off my grandma's therapy for the week and helping Aunt Katie with her baby registry. To grandmother's house we went! It just so happened that nearly half of the family was there as well. We got in tons of quality family time and managed to fit in a little bit of therapy for grandma. Although I am pretty sure that lifting Hallie was enough of a workout for her upper body! And if she didn't get a physical workout I am certain she got a huge pick-me-up from her super smiley great-granddaughter.....

 "My bow matches your shirt!"

The gang was around today to install new flooring in grandma and grandpa's kitchen. Instead of lending a hand like she usually tries to, Hallie kicked back with a bottle of juice and took in the sights....

"Dontcha wish you could stop working and sit here like me?"

The foreman took a short break from overseeing the work but quickly made her way back to the kitchen with a little help with Great Aunt Lisa.....

"Let's's faster than crawling"

Hallie got the munchies big time and protested after eating her normal amount for lunch. Normal wasn't enough today. Three canned peaches, one lime, one bottle of juice and a handful of crushed ice later...we had one very full baby.

"This stuff is COOOOOLLLLDDDD"

We watched and waited for the sour face as she shoved the lime in her mouth with no fear.....

"What's the big deal? This green juice tastes good"

"Let me try the outside..."


A very tired and crazy Hallie helped as Aunt Katie and I picked out goodies for her cousin Carmen Jo. I think I apologized to Katie a thousand times because I did more chasing down, mushing bananas, wiping up messes and entertaining than I did actually help with her registry. We spent the rest of the evening on a family walk. Our mission: to treat Emmi to some physical activity so that she would stop terrorizing the house while we are gone all day. I think she is now drained of energy and very much out of shape. Poor puggle misses her daily neighborhood walks. I think our underwear, flip flops and baby bows are having to pay the price for me slacking off with the dog walks. She was elated once I said the magic words tonight..."Emmi!! You wanna go for a walk?!"

Jumping for joy!

Exhausted and in need of a drink after five minutes....

Poppin' wheelies with dad

"This is making me nauseous"

So that's our week. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy blogging?? Not only is it my most favorite form of relaxation but I feel like each blog is a small present to Hallie in the future. So what would a blog be without including all of her accompishments this week. She has reached the super mobile infant stage and has decided that sitting is so overrated and standing is necessary all the time. She must've discovered this on Thursday night because since then she has been a pulling up pro! We have started mashed foods and small pieces of fruit this week. So far she has tried mashed potatoes, mashed bananas, and peaches. She has enjoyed some munching in the afternoon on grapes and oranges using her mesh teething thingy (not sure what to call it). Emmi is our canine vacuum who enjoys hanging out down below her highchair to catch any mishandled chunks of fruit. A meal is always better when it's shared with someone...and who better than with daddy????

"Want a swig of my juice dad?"

Juice. Wow. She LOVES it. These adorable little Gerber juices are so cute in her tiny hands. Nanny says that she gulped down an entire bottle on Friday in record time. Her new obsession. Once she gets her hands on one, she ain't lettin' go.....

"I'm not sharing today"

Her smile is the first thing I think of in the morning...and the think I can't wait to see at the end of the work day....and the thing I can't wait to witness when dad walks through the door.....

Nanny and Hallie have been logging some serious playtime lately. She has been logging plenty of standing hours and has putting Riley's old toys to good use.....

Although chaos is the word I use to describe this week, that is not the word I use to describe our lives.

BLESSED is the word.

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