Friday, April 29, 2011

HOMEMADE: in the kitchen with Hallie

What better activity to do on a Friday night than take a stab at homemade goodness. I have been planning on doing this every day for the past two weeks but finally stocked up on veggies and fruits and dug out the food makin' machine. In case you are planning on trying this someday please use my step by step guide to making super healthy food for your babe:

  1. Buy vegetables that you would never eat yourself..
  2. Make a huge mess.
  3. Force your baby to eat these homemade concoctions and watch as he/she makes faces on disgust.
  4. Freeze the rest.
Well that is how I thought it would go....but suprisingly my crazy combinations were a hit! As I perused the grocery store for organic foods I found myself wishing for a Whole Foods store somewhere nearby because I didn't have success with finding much at Walmart. I stocked up on all of the foods that I usually stick my nose up at. I never grew out of that picky eating stage and I will do everything in my power to keep Hallie from following in my footsteps. Squash, brussel sprouts, carrots and avocado. Yuck. But healthy for the babe. Onto the fruit...the best part! Kiwi, strawberry, apple and banana. Yum.

Hubby got me a homemade baby food recipe book for Christmas but it is hidden down deep in some box in storage. Who needs recipes anyway??? I got to work chopping and steaming....

I couldn't make food for the babe without her help though. She sat quietly and watched with interest for awhile until she decided to put herself to work as a human vegatable peeler...

"What's up doc?"

A very hunrgy babe and one huge mess later, the foods were ready for our mini taste-tester....

First on the chopping block......BRUSSEL SPROUTS!!!

The smell...ugh

It felt like child abuse airplaning this nasty mess into Hallie's mouth but low and behold she didn't hate them. Well, the first bite anyway....

"I'll give em a try just for you...."

She has reached a new milestone: she finally met a food she didn't like. Once she had a moment to assess what was actually in her mouth she was so over those green stenchy things (ok, maybe I need to work on my encouragement skills if I want her to actually like veggies). While I worked quickly to prepare her next food to test, the hungry munchkin settled for a pile of banana flavored cereal puffs and some millk....

In a brussel sprout coma....

Here are some combos that she seemed to like....




And her absolute favorite of the evening.....drumroll please..........................................


"I'm spitting this on you if it tastes like the last one..."

"That's a great one momma....make double of that!"

That ought to last her two days....

I'm relieved and very happy about our first homemade experience. I will definitely give it my best attempt to keep this up....for three simple reasons.

1) I love knowing that my girl is getting the most healthy food possible.
2) It is super fun.
3) I want to make every concoction possible.

Good thing my little guinea pig is willing and able to help me discover the perfect meals for her!

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