Sunday, April 3, 2011

Did I Miss Something????

When did my baby get so big? My wake up call came this morning when I spotted a teeny, tiny cute little guy in the church nursery. He was two months old but seemed so itty bitty. I kept thinking "I don't remember Hallie being that small!" So for the rest of the day I was in awe of how big she has grown and all of her little personality that bubbles over. As she sat at lunch with the family and gummed on a lemon (and didn't even flinch, I might add) I couldn't believe my eyes. I had yet another wake up call this afternoon as I was sorting through her closet and dresser to downsize her overflowing, messy drawers. So many tiny outfits that I can't even remember her wearing...I found myself thinking "how on earth did this fit her?" Miss personality made sure to lend a hand to help organize clothes to give to her soon-to-be cousin Carmen Jo. Help isn't really the term I should use for the way she so graciously bowled through my lovely sorted piles on the floor...

"Carmen Jo is gonna look so cute in these jeans"

"This is fun! I love messes!"

Finally, my third wake up call for the day came as Hallie re-discovered a very special pal hanging out on the floor. I had dug out her lamb pillow from the closet to give to Aunt Katie for Carmen to enjoy....but someone had other plans....

"Hey, I remember you!! Where ya been all these months?!"

The hyperactive gal had a grand ol' time rolling around on her long lost favorite pillow. I really do mean that she had a grand ol' was almost as if she'd uncovered a magical this case it was a cuddly pillow. ;) She couldn't get enough of it. So much for these lovely toys with lights and just takes a pillow. Silly gal! Somewhere in all the fun she decided to take a short break and melt my heart.....

"Still comfy as ever"

 I thought I'd dig up a photo of her snuggled up in her lamb at two weeks old....

Nothing sweeter

She continued to show off her big girl ways by trying some apple juice for the first time. I watered it down pretty good...for the simple fact that I'm paranoid. I thought it might give her a tummy ache. The verdict is still out on whether she liked it or not.

What else has our big girl been up to this weekend? She spent lots of time on Saturday with momma at the walking trails while dad did some Kiwanis activities. By Kiwanis activities, I mean that he was picking up trash on the side of the road. Guess what color he wore??? Yes, he sported a lovely orange color. My husband, the convict. In all seriousness, I'm very proud of him for getting involved in the community. We took advantage of a sleepy girl and napped right along with her. Those great afternoon naps always end much too soon. We spent the evening with Nanny and Papa at the cruise in so that the boys could get their muscle car fix for the week. Riley got to show off his work in progress...the Mustang is still slowly coming along. It won't be long until we are taking the pony for a cruise (without it overheating or spurting out antifreeze). Hallie spent some time behind the wheel of Papa's stang and munched on some fries during dinner....

"I can't find the keys"

"Guess they don't trust me yet....pssh"

Molding her into a car-lovin' tomboy already

"Yum, salt. How come nobody told me about this stuff earlier?"

We finished off the evening with a trip to check out some crafts and baby goodies with Nanny and Katie at the expo. This whole keeping you up late thing has been backfiring in our faces and last night wasn't a different story. My theory is that you are dealing with separation least that's what Google told me. ;) Thank you Google for not helping me out at all. The only solution I can come up with for separation anxiety is having the tot sleep in bed with us and that ain't happenin'. Maybe when our king size bed makes its way back to us...but that would mean we had sold our home and bought a home...ok, don't get me started on that monster. Lol. Needless to say, we are rather exhausted come morning time due to her recent nighttime parties. Hence the naps on Saturday and Sunday for mom and dad. Naps= heaven!

Sunday. We enjoyed a wonderful and very fitting message at church. I think Hallie is quickly getting in touch with her spiritual side...she frequently spends time with both hands raised high looking to the sky as if to say "PTL!" Hallie and I went to check out cousin Carmen's nursery to see the "before" status as Katie is excited to get started on decorating and painting what will soon be a gorgeous baby room. Hallie and I dragged Riley to check out more baby items and crafts so that we could snag some more bows...Riley's comment was "yeah, like bows is something we really needed more of." One for every outfit my dear. :) Hallie finished off the day hanging out with Aunt Katie and Uncle Luke....lots of smiles, giggles, crawling and happy screams. Oh and I can't forget her incessant desire to crawl over to the treadmill while I'm running on it...makes for a very consistent workout let me tell ya. I wouldn't have it any other way...she definitely makes everything a little bit more interesting!

"I'm here for the party!"

Well there you have it folks...our weekend in a nutshell. Hallie and I's first weekend in six weeks that we were both home with Riley....inching our way back to normal one week at a time. 

Thanks be to God.  


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