Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Seven Weeks Young

Our little girl is getting so big so fast! She is turning into a squirmy wormy...that is one of the many nicknames she has earned. She nevers stays in one place. Even right now as I type and she is lying in my lap on her boppy, she is pushing on my stomach, kicking her legs, wiggling her tongue, and eating her fist...she is as content as a baby could be, but she has to be moving! We are definitely going to have a wanderer on our hands when she is actually mobile! Her favorite game with dad is standing on his lap and doing squats! She's gotta work those quads if she's going to be a runner someday! Dad's nickname for Hallie is "Diva." This trait is passed on from her Aunt Bailey for sure!

Hallie must have developed short term memory loss because she forgot how much mom and dad appreciated her sleeping through the night. Last night gets a 7. We were up at 1 and 4 a.m. Not bad, but getting her convinced that it was bedtime was a nightmare. And no, I'm not being dramatic. I think I was near the point of waking up Riley just because I thought I might go crazy. Seven diaper changes in a 45 minute span was a little overwhelming....considering she stopped eating and screamed immediately each time she would wet her diaper. The milk was coming out just as fast as it was going in! 

We live in a house of rotating beds. Our real bed, the couch, the swing, the lamb, the floor, the chair, the crib....ya never know where everyone will land when night falls. Hallie has chosen to sleep in her swing this week and Emmi has decided it was an awesome opportunity to sleep on Hallie's lamb pillow while she's away. But midway through each night, I always get an unexpected couch guest on my lap who wants to curl up with me in the most uncomfortable positions. Thanks Emmi! There is barely room for just me on the couch! Since we are flip-flopping beds all the time, Hallie wanted to try out dad's side of the bed...so she made herself comfortable....
"Now this is the life!"

Can a person take too many pictures??? This is the question I asked myself yesterday. And the answer is a resounding "YES!" There are not enough baby scrapbooks in the world to keep up with the alarming rate that I am accumulating photos of this little girl! I finally got up the courage yesterday to get my scrapbooking stuff out. I didn't get far because the 500 hundered photos staring me in the face weren't going to organize themselves. If at first you don't succeed....just forget you ever tried in the first place. Right? It doesn't help that I have a scrapbook page for every single occasion or milestone that has happened since Riley and I met...now I have this angel baby to keep up with! Hallie's baby scrapbook definitely trumps me catching up on last year's float trip though! The pile is staring at me right now and if I can get this sweet baby to take a little nap, I may have a date with my scrapbook.

We met three of my work friends for lunch today! Hallie was just perfect the whole time. I had to run up to work for a quick minute, which turned into a longer visit so everyone could get a turn with the baby. She was definitely putting on a show today and was all smiles. And as usual, we have been eating ALL DAY! She momentarily stopped to get in her stroller for a 30 minute walk and she so graciously let me take a shower, but other than that, she has been chowing down! She's our little piglet for sure! I guess it's fitting that she is always dressed in pink...

"Hmmmm...I think I'll have some milk."

Hallie's Corner

Hey guess what everybody?! Fall tv lineup in starting this week! Man, I have a lot of shows to get familiar with. Grey's Anatomy, Gossip Girl, The Office...mom says it's ok that I wasn't around to watch previous seasons and that she will explain what's going on. I sure hope Dr. McDreamy isn't dead. And she tells me that it is Steve Carrell's last season on The Office...that is such a shame, I've been watching reruns to catch up and that Michael Scott sure is a funny boss. Yesterday was just like any other. I slept in my swing while mom sat on the floor with 1,000 photos of me sprawled out around her agonizing over which ones to include in my scrapbook. Little much if you ask me. I mean who wants to look at ten photos of me in a pink onesie just staring blankly at the camera, or photos of me when I was a yucky shade of yellow. And who on earth would want to see the one of my slimy little body on the scale right after I was born. How embarrassing! 


My mom reminded me that I am seven weeks old today....I can't tell a difference between 6 and 7 weeks. Except that my pants are a little more snug these days. I looked in my baby mirror this afternoon in the car and noticed something...my hair is turning a shade of red. I didn't want to alarm my mommy so I kept it to myself. But her work friends noticed it too, so I didn't have to break the news to her. She inspected it and tells me that it's a strawberry blonde. She seemed okay with that! Good, because I was not about to get my hair colored at this young of an age...do you know what those chemicals could do to my little body?!!? My mom was counting my toes last night and if I could talk I would've asked her if she thought I magically grew some more. Duh mom, there are ten toes and there always will be.

So I've been up all day long and I'm trying my hardest not to fall asleep but the sleep demons are coming at me from all sides and I just can't keep from fa........................ZZzzzzzZzzzZZZzZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzZ


Hallie girl fell asleep mid-sentence. It's all that drinking she's been doing! Today is new movie day so we are going to go pick out a good one and relax tonight with Riley!

P.S. Whoever decided to place big bags of my favorite guilty pleasure right by the checkout at CVS should be shot in the foot...

Empty or not? I'll never tell.

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