Thursday, September 23, 2010


We finally got Hallie's newborn portraits back! I had them sorted, framed and up on the wall faster than you can say OCD! I realize that most of you have probably already seen these photos on these are for all you non-Facebookers...cough, Nanny, cough. I think we need a bigger house just to hang pictures of our girl...I have no wall space left!

Hallie is one smart little lady and my new accomplice! We came up with an evil plan to make daddy keep his face clean-shaven! I really don't mind the hair growth, but Hallie doesn't like kisses from a porcupine. :) Last night he did his normal shaving routine where he stands in the mirror and gives himself one last look like he's saying "goodbye gotee, I'll miss you." Then he proceeds to shave half of it off just for fun and then ask me what I think to see if I'm paying attention. Then he poses with just the mustache remnants. He turns to me and I give him "the face." And then he shaves the rest off. And that's the facial hair routine. So Hallie carried out our plan flawlessly... she made sure to snuggle up against his soft face last night...she would squirm up toward him and just lay her head against him.  Worked like a charm...

Hallie's Corner

Hi guys. It is a dreary day here in Mustang. We slept in today...7:15 is sleeping in around here folks! It is very windy and scary looking outside. Mom told me it's the first day of fall and I guess this is God's way of letting us know it's a new season. The sun must be playing peek-a-boo with me because it just came out for 3 seconds but it hid back behind the clouds. Dad has the day off tomorrow so I think I heard them talking about going out tonight. I hope they choose Ted's! I love the chips and tortillas...yummo!! Until is a PERFECT nap day!!

I have really been struggling with losing this baby weight! At first some of the weight literally fell off of me...but I am stuck in a rut. And I can't wait to get out!At first I had to be reminded to eat because I was so exhausted trying to develop a routine and get sleep..eating was the last thing on my mind. Right now, I feel like it is sometimes the only thing on my mind...and the baby of course! ;) Muffin tops are not attractive...neither are hamhock arms. I don't want this to be a baby/family/weight loss blog...BUT I do think if I keep track of it on here once a week it will keep me accountable for my plan. And the potential public humiliation of gaining weight (gasp) will be enough to increase the motivation! Twenty lbs is the here I goooooo! Side note: I get a big FAIL for last night (that doesn't count though, lol). I decided to bake a big 'ol cookie bar for 2 people! Seriously? I have no idea what I was thinking. So after a couple hours of supreme guilt..the cookie was packed up for Riley to take to work! Oh and if you are thinking "Did she not just say that she wanted to go eat mexican food at Ted's tonight?" Well, eating out doesn't count! Lol!

Dear infamous cookie bar,
I wish I had never learned how to make you. You are addicting and full of yummy sugars. I regret to inform you that I will no longer be baking you.
