Wednesday, June 15, 2011

These feet are made for walkin'.....

.....and that's just what they'll do. It's time to start investing in knee pads, a helmet and a chin guard. Actually it may just be easier to buy a big roll of bubble wrap and cover her arms, legs and head with padding. That crazy magical wonderful moment happened yesterday....praise the Lord that I was home when it happened. I may be a little naive to think that these were her actual first steps....but whether she has walked or not before, it doesn't count because I didn't see it. Lol!

Hallie took her first steps yesterday at 10 months, 2 weeks, 4 days old. Go girl go!!! I was ready for those first toddling, drunken steps for the last couple of weeks but didn't expect her to stand up during play time yesterday and walk toward me. Talk about overwhelming excitement!! I hugged her so tight I'm surprised her diaper didn't pop off. She had absolutely no idea what all the fuss was about but she didn't mind grinning from ear to ear while I clapped for her. So I did what any mom would do after that......I texted Riley to expedite the coming home from work response from dad so we continued to practice her newly found skill. She walked 5 steps, 6 steps, 3 steps.....and then plopped on the ground and planted herself there. No more walking. She was either dealing with muscle soreness from all of her hard work or she had enough of my incessant clapping and cheering. Although I haven't been talented enough to get a video of her walking (she gets so excited when she sees the camera and falls down and crawls to come grab it), I did manage to catch the all-star for a post-walking interview to get her thoughts.....

Riley got home later that evening and Hallie walked 5 steps for him....perfect family moment that I will never forget for as long as I live. What I would like to forget though is the scare she gave me just two short hours after she took those first steps....

"What's for dinner?"

I was putting dinner in the oven and texting simultaneously and turned around after closing the oven to find my tiny tot rummaging in the foot off the ground!! My eyes must have bugged out of my head!! The odds of me having a camera in my hand are good enough to put money down on so after I made sure she had a safe grip I snapped a pic of the danger-seeking munchkin. I think she was looking for the jalapenos. So if that wasn't enough to put me into baby proofing mode, the "give mom a heart attack" moments continued on into the next morning....

"I knew you'd be impressed!"

This morning as I prepared Hal's breakfast in the kitchen, she was busy in the living room. Again, I found her one foot off the ground standing on the window sill banging on Papa's side table demanding her breakfast. At least she was smiley about it. Ha. Like the refrigerator, she was quickly removed from the danger zone much to her disliking. A couple bites of oatmeal and she had forgotten all about the fun she was having.

All of this new physical activity has left me with a very tired lady....

"It's been a long, hard day."

Miss Linda said that Hal took a few steps at her house today and Aunt Katie came over to check out Hallie's prancing this evening...she took a few steps but mostly wallered, squirmed, crawled and stood with her eyes closed. Yes, she was that tired. She is in her crib (or her battery pack as I like to call it) re-energizing right now while I am getting mentally and physically prepared for the mischief that is to come........

Hallie girl,

You never cease to amaze me. 

Love, Mom 

P.S. Does this mean I can't kiss your feet anymore since you will be using them to walk?

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