Thursday, June 23, 2011

Pounding the Ivories with Daddy

Not tickling, but pounding. Hallie has awhile until she will learn the gentleness of piano playing. Riley got a hankering to relive his piano lesson days as a wee little lad and give his old piano book some attention. Some parts were music to our ears.......other parts, not so much. He had me laughing big belly laughs as he bragged about his "Good Job" stickers and stamps in his music book. It took Hallie approximately two milliseconds to decide she wanted in on the music action.....

"Making beautiful music ma"

"Can you believe I've never had any formal training?"

After a rousing number of "Cruella Deville", the Fannings celebrated the holidays a bit early with a sing-a-long to "Joy to the World"....per Riley we had to "sing it from the beginning until we get it right." Hallie wasn't complaining any.....

I know it may seem as if I document and ramble about each and every little tiny thing that Hallie does....and it may seem like it doesn't amount to much...but it's daddy/ daughter moments like these that I don't want to forget.

P.S. - Riley actually sat and "played" for a good 45 minutes....even exclaimed that he wanted to start taking lessons again. I wanted to ask "who are you and what have you done with my husband?"

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