Sunday, August 28, 2011

The weekend was just peachy

I love to find a nice juicy peach.

It's like finding a nice little suprise in the produce aisle.

Somebody else now appreciates the yummy goodness of the perfect peach too....

Like a little piece of heaven

On to more peachiness......

We had a relaxing, no plans whatsoever kind of weekend. I woke up bright and early with my human alarm clock and got busy playing, eating breakfast, going for a bike ride, doing dishes, cleaning and blogging. I felt like I'd accomplished more in two hours than I had all week long. I love weekends at home!!! After our busy early morning we took off to drop Emmi at the grooming shop. She did not have a clue what we had in store for her. To say that she felt violated and betrayed when I picked her up would be an understatement.....

"I didn't know my shedding was such an inconvenience. Guess I'll go find a new home"

My dog-lovin' munchkin had a ball when we went to pick up Emmi. She went from cage to cage greeting the puppies, sticking her hands through the cage of the friendly ones and giving kisses when prompted. The owner let a few of the canines out so that Hallie could get her hands on them. She was in heaven! Once we got home there was more playing to be done. And so much sillyness in store.....

After my pint-sized playmate had played herself out, it was time for a nap which meant time for some "me time." I waited for our new refridgerator to arrive and was able to transfer the food from our lovely dwarf fridge and deep freezer. There wasn't much to move thanks to a mishap on Wednesday night. The door to the mini fridge didn't close all the way (equipment malfunction, not operator ;)). Most of our food was ruined including a new jug of milk that came out in clumps Thursday morning as I poured a cup for a very thirsty girl. After she woke up from her nap we went out for some pizza. Hallie was looking way too stylish all accessorized up wearing her "sunnies"......

It was quite a challenge just to get one pic of her before she ripped them from her face. So of course she didn't mind when her dad and I tried them out....

After lunch we parted ways with dad to go grocery shopping. Fun times. NOT! She bit through some scrubbing sponges and was spitting out green scrubby stuff for awhile. She was way too interested in grabbing for things off the shelves and just wanted to cuddle with me so we settled for hugging while she stood in the cart while I pushed it. Nap time already? I think so. Once we got home Aunt Katie was waiting there for us to drop off some bows that Carmen had borrowed for her newborn pics (can't wait to see those by the way). Hallie went back to her crib immediately for a much-needed second nap while I suited up and made a pallet on the back porch under the scorching hot sun for some tanning, or as Riley calls it "cancer baking." Just as I layed down, here came my busy husband with his air compressor. He plugged it in which made a lovely, relaxing background noise. He ended up replacing the compressor noise with some music while he got to work painting his flatbed......

Once my heartbeat had started ramping up and I felt like my brain was frying in the 107 degree weather, I came inside to find a girl who was ready to play. We grabbed some water and headed outside to play in the shade....oh yeah, and eat a snack.

"It's hotter than Hades out here mom!"

"Ahhhh, much better"

After she figured out a good way to cool off the sidewalk using daddy's drink, she decided that his choice of classic rock was not her first pick. She did a little bit of DJing for us....

"Are you kidding me?! There is no nursery rhyme station?!"

She found a new toy in the wheelbarrow....

"This would be a good place to hide"

After we realized that the ridiculous heat was for safari animals and camels only, we got dressed and headed off in search for something fun to do. The county fair it was! Except that it was no longer going on when we got there so Hal and I decided to go visit Nanny for awhile. On our way home I had a craving for some steak so we stopped by the grocery store (again) and picked up dinner. I thought we should see if Papa wanted to join and then found out Katie and Carmen were alone for the night so they joined us as well. It was nice to be grillin' again! On the menu: steak, corn on the cob and grilled potatoes...

The grill master himself

We were going to eat outside on the patio but it was still so muggy to we all scrunched into the kitchen with the two babes. Carmen was trying to be on her best behavior but the sweetheart just wanted to snuggle with her mommy.....

"Don't tell me you are going to leave me in here while you guys eat?" 

The other munchkin was happy in Papa's arms until we plopped her in the chair for dinner. After scarfing down some potatoes she was ready to get down.

Although she had had a bath before everyone came over, Hallie was in need of a dip in the sink after she had coated herself in dinner.....
"Guess I may as well do these dishes while I'm here. Well, nah..."

Nanny would've been jealous of all the time Papa was getting to spend with his grandbabies....

The girls have finally discovered one another and may have become friends.....

"Yo, what's up! My name's Carmen!"
"Nice to meet you, my name's Hal"

Woohoo!!!! We've been waiting for this moment! Miss Carmen was lookin' mighty cute and even practiced holding her head up a bit for us. She's three weeks young now and growing by the day. After everyone left it was well past bedtime so Hal went straight to her crib after some bedtime stories. It seemed like our heads had just hit the pillow when the rooster was a'crowin'.  Good morning parents! Good thing this was the day that the Lord made...otherwise it may have been a little lot more difficult to get out of bed. Breakfast, showers and off to church late as usual. Nanny stopped by unexpectedly to pick up Hal to take her to church since she was watching the nursery kiddos this morn. Even without a kid, we were still late. Chronic problem now I guess. Church was wonderful as always and Hal even got to join us in service for the last song. Funny how I miss that munchkin so much while she's in the nursery. She loves it in there...toy heaven as Nanny calls it. Back home I worked on some lunch while watching an extremely boring online therapy course. Actually was wanting to dump my enchilada mix on the computer to make the learning stop. Lol. Ok really I was just wanting to be in bed sleeping like my two sweeties. Alas, a mother's work is never done.

Let's just say that Hal wouldn't have requested seconds of her lunch that I chose. Some ground beef with a bit of cheese mixed in and green beans....

"Let's see do you"

The hot temps held up captive indoors again today. The only difference is that today daddy joined us for a lazy Sunday afternoon. We have been getting great joy out of telling Hallie to "go get a book from your room" and watching as she hurries to retrieve not one but two books each time. She comes around the corner with a big proud smile and then we all have to clap of course. I told her to go grab some new books and, in true Sunday fashion, she took the lazy route and grabbed two magazines off the side table. So ya see, she had two options......

"Either way I disappoint one of my parents. Mom wants me to pick Kim's wedding details but dad would be so proud if I were a tomboy. Decisions, decision...."

"tomboy it is!"

She must've felt like she owed me because she did something that was unprecedented today. She hopped up in the big brown chair with me and just laid there. Didn't move a muscle. Wide awake and just chillin'. I. Was. In. Heaven. Dad even tried to get in on the snuggle time and came over to join us but he must've disrupted her zen moment because she started her usual wiggling and squirming after that. Oh but for a moment......

We had the surprise of the weekend today! Gman came to see us!!!!!!!!

He called earlier in the afternoon to let me know he would be bringing two guests with him to stay with us for the week: Chigger and Lizzy. He is putting down wood floors this week and needs a dog-free house. Hallie welcomed the pups with open arms and happy smiles. I wanted to make sure and feed Gman a home-cooked meal while he was here so I ran to the store trying to hurry before he got to our house but he beat me. He and Hallie had already begun playing. They kept their sillyness going while I finished dinner. Before long I was hollering for everyone after doing the traditional spaghetti on the wall test....
"Spaghetti's ready!"

I did say "home-cooked" but I didn't say I slaved in the kitchen all day over the stove. Spaghetti it was and everyone was happy. Even Miss "I don't care for spaghetti" changed her mind tonight.....
"What was I thinking?!"

Now for the best part of the meal....dessert.......

We couldn't eat some without sharing with "Hallie Wallie", as Gman likes to call her. She was absolutely lovin' the silly truck and airplane noises he was making and faking her out with a spoon full of goodness....
"He's goofy to the max!"


I kept repeating to my dad how nice it was to have him visit out this way. He promises to come soon once the temps cool off and he can ride his bike out here. We loved every minute of our visit with him! Thanks for making our Sunday spectacular Gman! After making sure that Lizzy was no longer wailing for my dad, I left for a nice long run....perfect weather with a few sprinkles, the fresh smell of rain and a coolness to the air that I have missed. What a way to renew my spirit and get ready for another week ahead. And the beautiful sky wasn't so bad to look at either....

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

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