Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Book Worm

There are a few things that Hallie does that just tug a little extra on my heart strings. And then there are some things she does that just yank really hard on them. At the top of that list is when she goes and personally picks out a book, brings it to me, places it in my hands and plops down on my lap. I can’t figure out why this makes me want to cry and smile all at the same time but it does. There is something so sweet about watching a child learn that I just can’t get over. Another thing that blows my mind and yanks a little harder at my heart is when she knows which book is her favorite and picks it out of the basket. My question is: how on earth does a one-year-old know what their favorite book is? Well I don’t have an answer, but she knows. She can be seen quite often toting these two books around: “Moo, Baa, La La La” and “The Mirror Book.” Here’s my little book worm bringing them to me for reading time…..
"You aren't too busy are ya mom?"

One of my favorite things about moving has been creating a space just for my girl. A must for her room was having a reading area. It has turned out exactly as I’d planned. We read in the morning and at night before bed on her giant puzzle while she either sits in my lap or in her chair…or leaning on Grizzo of course. I don’t usually have to make her sit down to enjoy a good book…she comes and gets me to read. Here’s a peek at her own little reading corner….

Reading with Hallie brings back a flood of memories from my childhood. I can picture my mom and I reading my favorite book about a fish who “swam and swam until he reached the shore.” My parents had that book memorized from cover to cover and I hear that I wore them out reading it to me. I’ve already memorized “Moo, Baa, La La La” and still get a thrill out of seeing her smile and hearing her funny laugh everytime I read the first page to her….”the cow says MOOOOO!” We don't go very far without taking "moo baa" with us......

And of course every reader needs a good pair of glasses......
"How do they look?"

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