Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ready for my close-up!

Good thing we've been brushing Hal's teeth really good lately because it was time for some serious smiling to take place. Does anyone else get so giddy about their kid's photo shoots that you can't sleep the night before? Gah, it's like the first day of school all over again! Is she going to be a drama queen tomorrow? Is she going to pitch a fit everytime I put a bow on her head? Somehow I did manage to get some sleep through my neurotic thoughts and woke up to find a VERY happy toddler who was just as giddy as I was. PTL! I'm sure it seems like I put way too much thought into pictures....but when you drive the distance we do to take the pictures it's not as simple as just rescheduling if she is not havin' it that day. So it was a good thing she was havin' it today. She made sure to nap on the way to OKC and arrived hungry and happy. Our most favoritest photog of all time, Mandy, helped us pick out Hal's wardrobe after Hal finished eating her lunch....

Get these peaches open please!!

I kept her entertained with a new trick that she thought was oh so funny.....

Hey, whatever works

The little toot did exactly what I was doing.....

"Is it as funny when I do it, mom?"

Although Mandy and I had decided on her outfits, she was still mulling over the decision....

"Can I pull off this look?"

Pretty soon she was dolled up and posing for the camera. And pose she did. Oh my!!! I found myself smiling for Hallie and giggling as I watched Mandy do her magic and bring copious amounts of smiles out of my gal. I stayed nearby in case she decided to face plant off one of the props and also served as a bow-putter-back-onner when she started to raise those pesky little hands to rip it off. Hal stayed happy through three outfit changes and six different poses....another PTL! I have never seen her smile so much! Feathers were used in this process....I may need to get some of those for use at home. :) Needless to say, I am dying to see these photos. Thursday can't get here soon enough!

After we bid farewell to Magic Mandy, we headed to the mall. But not before Hal and I grabbed a nice big Jamba Juice to satisfy my craving! Oh my, it was so hot by this time that Hallie wanted to get out of the car and inside ASAP. Trust me girl, so did I. We hit up some favorite stores and she even cooperated while I tried on some stuff. We were about to go eat when I noticed that Enzi was missing. OH NO! Where could he be? We backtracked through the mall with our eyes wandering the floor for that sweet little lamb. We checked the dressing room at Dillard's with no luck. And by that I mean that I hollered at a lady in the room we had been in..."um, do you see a little lamb on the floor in there with you?" Lol. We had all but given up when my eye spotted something behind the counter......ENZI!!!! I gave him to Hallie and she wrapped him in a big hug...and then threw him to the ground. Hmmmm. :) Somebody had had enough riding in the stroller so I thought it would be best to take that as a sign that I didn't need to spend anymore money today. We loaded up in the sauna (car) and headed to Panera for a girl's lunch. On the menu for Hal: an apple and mac'n'cheese....


"I'm gonna need some side teeth to get through this puppy"

Hal's eyes started to wander during lunch. I caught her flirting with another lil boy across the way......

"Hottie at 6 o'clock mom"

We had plans to stop by to see my old work friends but that changed when princess fell asleep the moment I got her strapped in the car after lunch. Simply put...nap always overrides everything! The ride home was just peachy and screaming was kept to a minimum today in the car thanks to my phone and Baby Einstein app....

"Thanks for trusting me with your phone mom...I'll take good care of it"

As she gets older it is a little bit easier to go shopping and make more stops along the way. I can see lots of girls-only fun days in our future!

Stay tuned for Hallie's one-year-old portraits!!!!!!!!!!!

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