Friday, August 5, 2011

Let There Be Light

We have a house. With windows. And a yard. With grass. Real green grass. And a patio. To hold a grill. And a stove that was made in the last century (actually brand new). Also a room big enough to stretch out our arms in. AND LIGHT. Goodbye cave, hello rental #2. A drastic improvement from our digs at the moment.

In true spazeriffic fashion we ended up with a new place to live in the blink of an eye. It started something like this: Tuesday night I had a mini meltdown, Wednesday night I declared that something had to change and Thursday Riley got a call about a rent house. Fate? I have to think so. He called me after stopping by and looking at it. He said to me "how would you feel about moving to a three bedroom rent house over by the running trails?" My IMMEDIATE answer was simple: "no!" It was a very simple answer for me. I didn't want to have to change our address or call all of the 50,000 people you have to call to update records and files....and I didn't want to do physical labor. Easy at that. Taking care of Hal is hard enough work for me...lugging around boxes is not on the top of my "to do" list. I got off the phone with a defeated Riley and began to actually contemplate the idea for more than a millisecond. Hmmmm......I started to feel guilty pretty soon after because this is what I've been begging for. A place with space and light and room and a yard. So here it is in front of me and I am using my distaste for physical labor as an excuse. I needed input at that moment. Normally I would've picked up the phone to call my mom. What's the next best place for advice??? Why Facebook of course. I turned to my handy dandy social network friends and they answered very quickly with their suggestions. It was a unanimous vote: MOVE. Well, except for one lone soul...our neighbor vote for us to stay. Lol! I'm sure Riley was floored when he received a text from his bi-polar wife saying "ok, I think I want to rent this house. Send me pics." I was out in the boonies at the time and my phone couldn't receive picture messages so I hadn't even seen the house but knew that we needed to move. I spent the next three hours lost somewhere near the Texas border in search of a patient's house....after I finally found the house despite having no cell phone coverage and horrible directions, I couldn't wait to begin the 90 minute drive back home so that I could see the place and make a decision. Here's a bit of what was going through my head:

  • Windows
  • Light
  • A yard for the dogs
  • A driveway
  • No more living room/office/playroom combo
  • Closets bigger than a foot wide
  • Tons of storage space (well, this is relative compared to what we have at the moment)
  • Room for TOYS
  • No more storage shed because we can put all of our boxes in the garage
  • We can move some of our furniture from Mustang
  • It's one block from the walking trails which would make it harder to skip a workout
  • We need to find a fridge because our new fridge is too big and we put in our contract that we would keep it with the house in Mustang
  • No dishwasher (I can imagine plates stacked up to the ceiling)
  • Significant increase in rent
It was really an easy decision once I actually stopped and thought about it. When I returned to the land of the living back east of the Canadian, Hallie and I met Riley at the house to take a look. Hallie approved so it was a done deal....she makes all of the big decisions around here after all. ;) So here's the deal...we signed a 6-month contract for this place and we will most likely be in it for the next year. Our home has been on the market for seven months now without even a nibble so the odds of it selling in the next six months are slim to none in my eyes. When it does finally sell we will just take our time finding a permanent home perfect for us. The way I see it is, if we  have to wait, we should at least be somewhat happy and comfortable where we are living for the time being. I think this house will work out great for us until we find a forever kinda home!

Riley calls this our "character building phase" so I thought what we'd better get moving today and build some more character. We couldn't get moving until we had some food in our bellies for the three of us went out to eat for the first time I can remember in a long's much easier to skip the eating out process and keep Hal content at home. Full bellies....check. We mustered up enough though to get movin' (literally). I propped Hal on my hip and loaded the entire car to the roof. HOT HOT HOT! When it was time to leave I realized I hadn't left space to actually put the baby in the car. Hmmm...had to do some rearranging there. :) Aunt Katie was a saint and met us at the new place to look around and to keep Hallie occupied and happy while we unloaded. Katie carried Hal as much as she could in hopes that it would encourage labor to start....I'd be doing the same thing too if I was three days overdue! After the first car load was emptied I realized it all belonged to Hal. Lesson learned....our next child will not have that many toys! I haven't even started to move her clothes yet....oy! Oh and speaking of clothes....I now have space to hang more than five shirts in the closet. WOOHOO!!! Now my shoes won't have to be thrown in a 3' tall pile on the bottom of the tiny closet. I may even be able to find matches in less than ten minutes now! While I was filling up Hallie's room (that she picked on her own, I might add) Riley was outside straightening up the garage and blowing out dirt and leaves. It's kinda funny how women immediately start inside and men stick with the outside. I'm sitting here now wondering about whether it will make a difference or not when we move everything out of the Mustang house....has it helped or hurt to have it staged with our stuff? We will see I guess.

I probably sound silly going on and on about this moving business but hey, this is big time considering we've been sulking for months now in this cave and thinking "something's gotta give." My outlook has definitely changed just in a day. I even feel the urge now to hang Hal's pictures on the wall. I'm not so sure about decorating but we will see how I feel once we get settled. The goal is to have the place ready to live in by Sunday night. We shall see :) I just can't wait to be able to push Hallie in her car outside, be able to do laundry at our house, play ball with the dogs, cookout in the backyard and have room to move our furniture's crazy how much we took all of those things for granted before.

Maybe he's right, just maybe we are building character. And piles of toys.......

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