Friday, August 26, 2011

No Excuses

Having a workout buddy can be a motivating thing. They give you that burst of energy you need and that kick in the booty when you don't feel like exercising. I have a workout buddy. She does all of those things I just mentioned. For example: when she screams while on the back of my bike it sure motivates me to ride faster. When she cries in the stroller it makes me jog a little bit quicker. And finally when she hollers out from her room in the morning, it's almost as if she's saying "get out of bed already mom! Let's go ride the bike!" She's pretty persistent. She is also great about making me go the extra mile. Like when she drops her binky from the bike or throws her cup on the ground forcing me to stop and change directions....always trying to push me a little further. She calls this agility training. I love this workout buddy of mine. ;)

Like I mentioned before, we are in a prime location for unmotivated, lazy people like myself. Right next to the trails. I really can't think of one excuse not to go run, walk or bike. I have this constant dialogue going on in my head saying things like "you don't need to go run, you have been carrying Hallie around all day, that counts for something doesn't it?" or "you should do the dishes instead, they aren't going to do themselves" or "wouldn't it be a lot more fun to sit and eat a bag of Kettle Cooked BBQ chips?" It's so much easier to ignore these evil thoughts in your head that try to thwart your good intentions when all you have to do is step out your front door and viola!!!

Casual stroll

Casual stroll + arm workout

Jog + nap

A bicycle built for two ;)

My biking buddy loves to hop on and ride to a couple nearby playgrounds for some sliding and swinging. My partner goes above and beyond to keep me cool while I'm making our ride go...she is nice enough to lift up the back of my shirt to give me some air. This partner of mine always has my back and provides lots of encouragment as she pats my back. She draws the line at "off-roading" and curb jumping though so I try to follow her rules.

The only complaint I have about my partner....well, she's kinda bossy. But I guess that's what I need. ;)

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