Friday, December 7, 2012

The 1st of December's a Day to Remember

We kicked off the most magical month of the year in fashion. Christmas fashion that is. I was giving myself a big ol' mommy pat on the back once I realized that I'd purchased a ridiculously fabulous MudPie outfit last year for 75% after Christmas. Hallie was loving the soft pants and seeing her bell bottoms twirl as she spun around. Although she wasn't too hip on the idea of sitting still so that I could take her picture.....

This was as good as it was going to get...

We had places to go and people to see that morning. Riley had left the house early to meet Rocky at the hospital so that they would have time to set up the speakers on his truck for the parade. He had offered to use his truck and trailer for the hospital float in the downtown Christmas parade. This resulted in a four hour truck cleaning frenzy the evening before. Hallie and I followed close behind him and made our way to Main Street to check out the parade prep....

Riley and Rocky were all set up and blaring some good music in the parking lot. I was sort of bummed when they said they'd be replacing the rock music with Christmas music once the parade started. ;)

We pulled up along the street to get in place and spotted Papa across the street talking with Marty Logan. We toddled on across the street to say hi and ended up having to break into Shawna's office to go potty and stole a sucker on our way out.

I helped bag apples for the float while Hallie ran around with the multitude of kiddos that had arrived by that time. Soon it was time to pull out and join the line of floats in the parade. Hal and I rode in the front seat and the rest of the crew rode on the float or handed out apples to the parade-watchers.....

We spotted Carmen, Nanny, Katie and Kylie waving from the sidewalk.....

She wore her Santa hat for a whopping two seconds for this picture....

I had to restrain her in the middle of the parade because I thought she was going to lean so far that she'd fall out.....

Hallie hung out the window and waved (or sometimes just stared) at everyone that we passed....

Miss Christmas was all waved-out by the end of the parade and ready for some food. We unloaded from the float and went to the cafeteria for a lunch with the other families.The anticipation of meeting Santa must've been too much because she stuck her nose up at her lunch but made sure to down her cookie though.... 


She has the memory of an elephant I tell ya. I didn't understand why she kept making a run for the front entrance but Riley enlightened me.....apparently the two of them had spent an entire afternoon (that yucky day in May when the tornado sirens kept sounding) at the hospital riding up and down the hall in a wheelchair. She had not forgotten......

I had to run to grab my two little elves from their wheelchair fun because Santa was coming around the corner in the cafeteria with a big bag of goodies slung over his shoulder. Kelly, Cari and I watched as the little kiddos lined up to see the jolly ol' guy.....

Hallie snuck up to the front of the line (surprise, surprise) and looked on as the kids shared their wish lists with Santa. I thought that her interest might just be a sign that she would be willing to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what we'd been practicing....

I pulled her away from where she'd cut in line and kept her occupied while the line dwindled down. Or more like she kept herself occupied by being a goofball....

FINALLY it was time. The moment of truth. Here's a glimpse back at last year's Santa visit at the hospital...

Fairly successful.

Not successful.

Not only was it not successful but it was hilarious to watch her fight to get away from the bearded fella....

Things did improve with a little bit of encouragement from Riley. He coached her through getting up on Santa's lap again to tell him what they'd practiced....

"Ok fine....but only for a minute."

She whispered a shy "babydoll" request and quickly hopped down off his lap...

For a little girl who wanted nothing to do with Santa she seemed pretty sweet as he made his way out of the room saying goodbye to the kiddos....

I really hope he was saying something like this in the picture above...."little lady, you better start being nicer to your momma if you want that babydoll." Hehe, a mommy can hope. ;)

After Santa had mosied on the kids settled in with some popcorn and snacks (courtesy of Santa) waiting for the movie, Santa Paws II, to begin. They had some technical difficulties which kept the kids waiting for awhile which meant that Hal was wearing down quickly by the time the movie started. She was reluctant to leave her little group of friends and I think it had to do with the fact that she felt like hot stuff sitting next to Miss Hannah....

Just one of the big kids

Another fun family event planned by Woodward Regional hospital. Christmas memories are magical and I'm ever so thankful for this annual opportunity to make more of those special memories with my little fam.....ESPECIALLY since I missed last year's festivities....and yes, of course I have a ridiculous picture from last year to share. Remember this little nugget wrapped up tight in her under-sized coveralls???


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