Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas P*A*R*T*I*E*S!!!

I'm surprised that the calendar on my phone will still let me add events. I'm convinced that any day now a message will pop up and say "You idiot! Stop scheduling things and sit down and relax!" Well that wouldn't be in my nature, now would it? ;) Busy, busy we have been.....tis the season, right? We'd had several holiday work/social events this season and it'd be a sin not to blog about each of them as they were all good times!

On December 5th we celebrated another year of success and the upcoming holiday at my boss's house with my whole work crew and our spouses. The Cake Lady catered so the food was delish and the drinks were plentiful. We added a couple of new faces to our work fam this past year and they were immersed in our very literal version of Dirty Santa. No holding back....the more shocking, the better! This year was no exception. I felt a little more prepared this year having had last year under my belt. I didn't have my camera with me that night so there is no picture evidence of our fun but you'll have to take my word for it. Lots of laughs were had! In fact, my cheeks were sore when we left that night. 

Our second Christmas celebration was at Blue Water Grill for the hospital's managers dinner. Free food, free drinks, door prizes and funny people. There were so many people there that I wanted to chat with but wasn't able to because of the way the tables were arranged. Although I'm surprised that I even recognized the other people around me after two of these puppies.....

Hallie was at home in good hands with Miss Blayre from church. She gave a good report when we returned home....but you could tell that Hal called the shots that night. She had "redecorated" the house. The margaritas made cleaning up the house a little less tedious.

Two down....four to go......

I was giddy this year about hosting some Christmas parties at our home. Considering last year we were surrounded by boxes and living in a house that still reeked of paint fumes. The only decorations we had last year was the tree that Nanny and Kylie so graciously transported from the rent house into our new home. After painstakingly decorating every last inch of the living room and dining room I was ready to share the festiveness with my friends. I hosted our annual Alpha Gamma Christmas social on December 10th along with my lovely co-hostess, Lauren. Some of my favorite ladies under my roof for a night of celebrating....IT. WAS. WONDERFUL.

The Red Pants Society ;)

The hospital Christmas party was held at the new convention center in town and was a drastic change from last year's scene. The place was beautiful, the food was delicious and my hubby was looking both beautiful and delicious....

....and so were things pretties...

....and so was this pretty lady.....

I know, I'm pathetic......those are the only pics I took the whole night. But I did snag a keeper of a video that Riley would probably rather me delete. He got roasted. No, not that kind of roasted. Roasted roasted. A comedian was the entertainment for the evening and had done some pretty detailed research about the administration team. Riley turns a few shades of red and I could see his chest moving up and down at a rapid rate as the comedian picked on him in front of the big crowd. It was hilarious! Take my word for it! We ended up leaving much earlier than I would've preferred but my old man said he had a bedtime to stick to. Me? I spent the rest of our so-called night out in bed with my computer on my lap blogging the night away. Pretty sad for a couple of parents whose child was having a sleepover with her grandparents, right? Oh well. C'est la vie!

I put on my hostess pants for another social at my house this week with another group of wonderful ladies that I've come to call my friends....I feel so blessed to have been embraced by some amazing women in this town. It was a potluck style meal with a delicious array of options. I ate my weight in food and didn't feel a bit of shame...for Christmas' sake! ;) I gladly accepted the laid-back-ness of the social as I had almost run out of holiday steam at the beginning of the week. It felt good to breath a sigh of relief once everything was cleaned up and I knew I had conquered the holiday hosting task for the season.

We had only one more party on the calendar and we went out with a bang. The Alexander's Christmas party was an absolute blast! As always I look forward to any occasion that involves getting dressed up and wearing heals. Last year we showed up two hours late since we had had the hospital party on the same night so I was looking forward to being there for the whole thing. Cari and I had schemed about ways to get the hubbies excited about going. It worked....sort of. They were good sports alongside their party-ready wives.....

I just gonna go out on a limb and guess that they are talking about work

See what I mean?!?! Good sport.....

Kelly, Dave, Kim and Rocky rounded out the hospital crew of hubbies and wives. It was great to see so many familiar faces.....

I hunted Jennifer down over in the dining room and she listened to me ramble as I downed about 500 giant oatmeal cookies. It was a great chat!!!

Us girls spent the later part of the evening trying to hide around corners in hopes of avoiding our husbands who were dwindling down and ready to head home. But wouldn't ya know it, THEY FOUND US!!

Tired guy #1

Tired guy #2

Tired guy #3

The tired guys eventually won the battle. I think I had enough energy saved up to last another couple hours but knowing that Hallie Grace was still awake refusing to go to bed for Miss Blayre made it easier to head home. Baby girl was waiting up for us...I guess she missed us a bit. She ran toward me and nearly knocked me over in my heels....the little monkey has never hugged me tighter than she did last night. In that moment I was glad that she stayed up two hours past her bedtime. It was a great night all around. One thing's for sure, Bobby and Brenda sure know how to throw a shindig!

That about sums it up! Whew!!! Deep breath. Sigh. When I finish typing this puppy it's time to get geared up for family Christmas this weekend. I'm just a little  LOT excited about having my family here for the second year in a row. Cheesecake to make, rooms to clean, floors to sweep, presents to wrap....I'd better get going!!!!!

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