Wednesday, December 19, 2012

All Things Christmas: A Busy December

December has been one very fast-moving rollercoaster that doesn't appear to be stopping anytime soon to let me hop off and get my bearings. Tis the season to be busy!!! Amidst all the busyness and running to and fro I've had an awful lot of fun, good times and made some great memories so far this Christmas season. I've stacked up lots of stories and pictures to share. I've had good intentions of keeping up with all of the goings on as they happen but alas that has not been possible. More than enough baking and decorating, lots of celebrating, five holiday parties, two more to come, church Christmas program, visiting Santa Clause, downtown Christmas parade, a sick babe, a graduation in the mix and some fun family time coming up = the need for a big deep breath. So without further ado, here's a little December review (nice rhyme, huh?)....

One of the women's groups I'm a part of had a bake auction so I did some last minute magic and put together these cute little cookie plates with the recipes attached. I was so happy with how they turned out....

We visited Nanny's house to see her newest outdoor Christmas decorations...and the cat of course....we LOVE the cat...and want to hold the cat....all by ourself.....

Miss Priss was in awe of the giant Minnie and Mickey smooching in the front yard....

Last Friday evening we spent the day at home together on my day off. But it wouldn't be a day off without our weekly trip disaster to Walmart. We had quite the extensive shopping list and I actually contemplated asking the door greeter if she would like to watch my child for $20 while I shopped. Oh wait, who am I kidding?? Our Walmart doesn't even have carts available let alone someone standing at the front of the store.  Now, onto bigger issues....the fact that my daughter views Walmart as a giant playground to display her shenanigans. Things did not go well. They just didn't. Things went sort of like this....

The Nilla Wafers were just a pawn she used in her game of "I bet you can't stop me from doing this, mom." And that look on her face above is was most likely a product of the steam coming out of my ears. Ok, so enough about the WORST. WALMART. TRIP. EVER. We moved on to some fun that afternoon at home after her nap. She did some coloring on a crafty project....

And then it was time for some real fun......

I picked up a gingerbread house kit during our shopping trip and was amazed to see that Lil Red hadn't demolished it by tossing it in and out of the basket over and OVER. Her little wondrous eyes were wide with  excitement as she helped me place the pieces of the house together. She was a pro with the gumball roof....

My love bug standing next to her candy house with a sweet smile was worth all the hugs in the world....

Pretty excited!

The frosting to candy ratio was a bit off and left me cringing just a tad but my OCD ways took a backseat to fun with my girl. It turned out super cute and pretty awesome for a toddler's work I must say....

After we cleaned up all of the candy that had rolled around on the floor I took Hallie across town for another fun Christmas surprise. She bundled up in the cold and wandered through the park toward the new train station where she found none other than her dad and Papa operating the train....

She didn't quite know what to think when we hopped on for a ride....

"Woah. So where are the seatbelts on this thing?!"

Mr. Money Taker

Papa Bill honked the horn a few extra times for his granddaughter who thoroughly enjoyed her trip around the park.....

She enjoyed herself so much that she was not willing to hop off the train once it stopped. So we rode again!!

The following morning we got the lil girl gussied up in her new Christmas attire to take pictures at Nanny's house. After the girls had put forth the best effort we could expect Hallie and I did a little downtown shopping....

"Mommy, that dress is just not working for you"

All of the shopping had worked up quite an appetite in Hal so she helped herself to a snack....

Disassembling at its sweetest

I gladly used some quiet time that afternoon to do some more shopping downtown minus my goofy sidekick who was home napping. I tried out the antique mall for the first time and was thrilled to come home with a big steal!

Hallie had some tiny guests over last week while Rachelle and I rummaged through my closet looking for dresses. Hal and her boyfriend Kyler sipped on some apple juice and perused through her new Christmas book while sitting like big kids at the bar....

"Could you give us some privacy please?"

Miss Lily was so sweet and did some reading with Hal too....

I (along with everyone else who's been over to the house) have been incredibly surprised by Hallie's gentleness with all of the Christmas decorations strewn about the house. No broken ornaments, no nothin'. She just doesn't seem to be interested in disassembling things. Well, maybe there is one exception. Hal and Riley did some shopping the other night when I kicked them out of our house while I hosted a Christmas party. Riley describes this shopping trip kinda like this: "I let her roam around and pick out what she thought you would like." When he asked her where she thought they should shop for me she responded by saying "K-Mart." And when he questioned her about what I like she replied with "God." I'm not sure if they sell "God" at K-Mart but I do know what they ended up getting at WALmart. How do I know what they got? Well, my darling daughter got so wrapped up (no pun intended) in helping her dad wrap my "gifts" that she just couldn't handle the suspense of waiting until Christmas. 

Finishing up the present tagging process

I left the room for a few minutes and returned to find her little self on the floor ripping into the paper.....

I told the little elves to put these special gifts under the "momma tree." Ya see, Hal has named each of our trees. And wouldn't ya know it, she named them the biggest one the "dada tree", the middle-sized one the "momma tree" and the baby tree the "Hallie tree." I know you all are dying to know what she picked out for me at the store but it'll just have to wait until Christmas. Although I will share one thing: a kickball. So loved, so loved. ;) 

We had our first family celebration this past weekend at Nanny and Papa's house. It had been a very busy week and weekend capped off by some family time and a delicious dinner prepared by everyone. Hallie chose to forego the Christmasy attire and cut back on the laundry for momma by wearing this adorable outfit she'd worn to church that morning.....

There were 25 present and it was a house full! I didn't take near as many pictures as I normally would've simply because I was busy keeping my eye on Hal hoping that she wouldn't strangle the cat, pound on the piano or be mean to one of her cousins. Here's what my camera caught that night.....

Sarah & Bear

Wonderwoman toting in the whole car!

"Do we haaaaaave to eat?"

Eat's playtime!"

How many cousins can we fit on piano bench?

Silly girls playing "hide go seek"

Eyes glued to the iPad

Me thinks someone wants to change her Santa request from babydoll to iPad

Pretty mommy and daughter

Riley's grandpa Jerry and Judy

Grandma Ida and her boy

An evening full of smiles

There you have it! Throw in a handful of Christmas parties and a partridge in a pear tree and we've had ourselves a busy December. It ain't over yet....Let it be known that I will purchase ALL Christmas treats next year. My kitchen has seen way too much of me this holiday season and I'm ready to throw in the potholders. Oh but wait....a weekend ahead full of cooking and hosting family! But I wouldn't have it any other way.....CHRISTMAS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!!!!!

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