Saturday, November 3, 2012


A sick Hallie is not something I am totally stoked to blog about but I have obviously made a habit of writing about the good and the bad...and the very gross. So here goes. Baby girl, you broke my heart this week with your sad little whimpers and coughs. It all started Sunday night as we pulled into town from the farm. I thought that the dirt stirred up in the air had got to your sinuses. We stopped at Chicken Express for dinner and I was dumbfounded when you stubbed your nose at your mashed potatoes. That's when I knew something was wrong. Hallie and food go hand in hand. But apparently not when a certain little toot is running a fever. We got home, took a bath, jammied up and cuddled up. Since she hadn't been sick in quite some time we had to make a run to Walgreen's for some meds and a new thermometer. The other one had suffered a very sad death thanks to Hallie and the dogs. Some Tylenol kicked her fever and we put a very uncomfortable babe to bed early hoping that she'd wake up feeling better in the morning. Twas not the case.....

We had to call in for backup on Monday. I stayed home until noon and kept her comfortable until Nanny arrived to take over sick Hal duty. I headed off to work to play catch up feeling like things were looking up for Hal. She took a long nap but woke up with a yucky cough and still running a fever. Riley relieved Nanny around 4:00 and immediately took her to one of his providers who was wonderful and fit her in at the end of the day. I cut my day even shorter (I had planned to work until 8:00 that night to catch up) after I realized she was getting sicker. By getting sicker I mean that she projectile vomited all over Riley and the waiting room. He says that it seemed to never end. Poor guy even had vomit in his shirt pocket. But even sadder was my baby girl who had to be carried out to the car practically naked after being checked out. She was sent home with some antibiotics and needed lots of love from mom and dad. What she didn't need was dinner. That wasn't pretty. Poor girl thought she was ready to eat but it quickly proved to be the wrong idea. For the next two hours Riley and I took turns holding a lovely purple puke pale (the PPP for short). The PPP got quite a bit of action until she finally appeared to be resting somewhat comfortably on the couch.....

She was piping hot, limp as a wet noodle and barely able to sit up on her potty. This was her spot for the night. Her little body just sunk into the couch as she curled up and closed her eyes.....

Sweet baby

 Riley left the house for a bit so it was just us girls. I found myself already an emotional wreck just because I wasn't able to help her feel better but then I saw this.....

She had plenty of caretakers, including her favorite doggy. It was so sweet to see Emmi keep watch over her favorite little girl. She slept nearly the whole night with the exception of a middle of the night cry for "mommmmmmmmma" around 2:30. She went right back to sleep after I went in and talked to her. Sweet cheeks woke up on Tuesday in need of another day at home to recover. Nanny came to the rescue again while I did a half day of work and made it home by 12:30. By that time she was feeling much better and her fever had finally broken. She took a good solid nap and had plenty of energy when she awoke. Let me make one thing clear. She. Was. Whiny. To. The. Max. Thankfully it was a beautiful 85 degree day outside so we got out in the backyard to provide some distraction. She proved to be just like her dad and told me that the leaves needed to get out of her playhouse. Always work to be done.....

"I've gotten so far behind..."

"If you want something done right you've got to do it yourself. Psh"

Nanny surprised Hal with a cute little people Halloween set for her to start practicing her trick of treating skills. She was immediately in love with the new toy and spent the rest of the evening playing with it.....

"Yay for new toys!"

It was obvious that she still felt puny that evening but she went to bed making me think that she would be able to go back to daycare the following day....

"I'm fine...promise!"

Nanny had offered to watch her on Wednesday but I really had high hopes that she'd be fine. She threw me for a loop again when she woke up with an awful junky cough and a yucky nose. She was laying on the drama as I walked in to get her on Wednesday morning. She pointed to her nose and whaled "mommmmmmma my noooooooooose!" She followed that up with pointing to her throat and hollering "frooooooooooat momma." Sadness. I am almost convinced that she knew exactly how to get a ticket to spending the day with Nanny. Well that's what she earned. I dropped her off at Nanny's the morning of Halloween and she was nothing but satisfied. If I didn't know any better I'd think they had planned that the day before. Hallie/Nanny day #3 was a good one. They did some errand running, took some naps...but it was still up in the air whether Lil Red was up for trick or treating that night. Luckily we were able to hit up a few houses that night. Sniffaluffagus is still coughing a bit but has her energy, appetite and spunk back! Oh and the sass too. The sass is back in full force.

"Who? Me? What's this sass you speak of?"

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