Tuesday, November 13, 2012

McDreamy is sooooo last year: 2 year check-up

We finally did it. After much painstaking thought and decision-making we broke up with our pal McDreamy. He will now have to show off his muscles and tight shirts to someone else. I'm almost certain that Hal lost some sleep over this decision as she had grown quite attached to him. Ok, fine. Enough with the lies. Maybe it was I who was a bit attached. And maybe it was the built in trips to OKC that allowed shopping and Jamba Juice stops. But it was hard to ignore the fact that we were being silly. It was just plain silly to continue driving to OKC for checkups when what we really needed was a reliable provider here in town. Luckily we live with a pretty awesome guy who is in the business of medical providers. She embraced her trip to the doc and made herself right at home. But what's new?! 

"What did you expect momma?"

The ladies in the office were amazing with her and as a result Hallie was on her very best behavior. She got to play with the nurse's little bee named "Buzz" and even got a chance to use the otoscope and stethoscope much to Riley's chagrin.....

Riley popped in to the clinic which is right across the street from his office. Just in time to attempt to distract Hal during her unpleasant two-year-old shots...a Hep A and flu shot. After about thirty seconds of crying she had her clothes back on, neon bandaids were slapped on and was requesting more water and smiling. She weighed in at 32 pounds and was exactly three feet tall. Here's the kicker...I still can't get over this....the not-so-little girl has skyrocketed on the growth chart in height. Surely she can't be a Fanning. Her weight still hovers right around the 90th percentile and her noggin in still chalk full of smarts. ;)- I couldn't help but giggle watching her hop on the big people scale and stand up against the wall to measure her height. I had to give myself a lecture about not crying during her appointment....the lecture worked but just barely. ;) Lil Red checked out fine and dandy and left with not one but two suckers and two stickers. Ten minutes of driving time versus five hours? Yeah, I'd say we made the right decision. Adios McDreamy!

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