Saturday, November 10, 2012

A "Baaaaaaaaaad" Halloween

(I hope you inserted a long drawn out lamb noise while you read the title)

I suppose that my title is a bit misleading. But hey, I struggled to come up with a catchy title to go along with her lamb costume....and it sort of applies to Hallie's Halloween night considering she was feeling a bit under the weather. I'd been stashing her costume away for a whole year and more than ready to see her waddling around the neighborhood in it. So when Halloween came and she still wasn't 100% I was was she of course. But a day with Nanny did her some good and she didn't mind posing for some outdoor pictures on the porch in her sweet little festive outfit......

Pose she did! The girl is always ready for a kodak moment!

She was proud of her Minnie pumpkin and this was evident by her excited shrieks and squeals of excitement everytime she laid eyes on it....

She also mustered up the energy to help me load up the candy bucket. It's obviously no secret why she was more than willing to assist with this activity.....

The amount of suckers consumed that evening should be illegal. Don't ask how many.....

It looked like smooth sailing despite a runny nose and a lingering cough. Her fever was all but gone and she was showing me some of that sweet little smile again. I cautiously slipped her costume on all the while bribing her with suckers. The velcro and long sleeves had driven her crazy the previous two times I'd dressed her in it. She didn't seem to have a problem with the actual costume on Halloween night. Nope, just a regular ol' distaste for life in general....

"Seriously, mom? Is this necessary?"

I hemmed and hawed around wondering if we would brave the whole trick or treating thing that night. Our Sunday school class was having a dinner at Lacy and Gregg's house and trick or treating in their neighborhood. In the end we decided to keep her away from all the other kiddos as to not spread anything around. I also imagined a supreme meltdown due to fatigue and just feeling yucky. Hal didn't seem to mind her costume a bit after I put it on her the second time that night. Shortly after she was all lambed up she had a few friends stop by. Her friend Cason the elephant and his awesome parents came by for a reverse trick or treat.....

They brought Hal a delicious cookie and a special treat bag! As they were pulling out the Mudd family was pulling in. They were all dressed up with somewhere to go and had plenty of hugs for Hallie....

We herded up our little lamb and made our first stop at the Lehman's house where she encountered this terrifying guy....

"I ain't scared of you"

"...and I'm not afraid of you either."

We went inside for a bit to chat and Hal followed around their new bengal kitty watching him like a hawk. She was mesmerized by this precious cat that had the loudest "puuurrrrr" I'd ever heard. After loading up on candy we headed one street over to Paula and Jerry's house where the drama queen put on a show. Oh my, she turned on the "I'm sick" act and cuddled up in my lap the whole time. I couldn't tell if she was begging for sympathy or really starting to feel yuck again. Most likely the former! We stayed for a bit to chat and then loaded up the lamb and her growing candy stash and headed to Nanny and Papa's house.....

"When's bedtime???"

"More candy you say?"

She perked up quite a bit when she pulled into their driveway and strutted her furry stuff up to the door with a huge smile on her face....

"Baaaaaaaaaa! Trick or treat"

Inside we found some other very festive and well-dressed family members. Mr. Gracie was gussied up in her pretty purple polka-dot dress and looking oh so thrilled....

"Do you humans think this is some sick joke?"

Hallie pitched in and helped Nanny and Papa toss handfuls of candy into the kiddo's buckets....

It turns out that Mr. Gracie wasn't through with his costumes for the evening. He transformed into a pirate before long....

"I'm calling it a night"

Hallie did me a favor and posed every so goofily by the giant pumpkin before we headed home.....


Back in our neighborhood the kiddos were thick and Hallie had some neighbors to trick so we got to rolling in the car. The smile was still present on her face and I assumed that the candy had magically healed her....

We zoomed by Jai's house as well as three other neighbors. To end the night she tricked her own momma by ringing our doorbell and begging for candy....

So I guess it wasn't so baaaaaaaaaaaaad after all. She made for a precious lamb and a pretty good trick or treater. We were blessed with another fun filled and memorable family holiday together!

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