Friday, November 16, 2012

November Harvest

So here's the deal. There are many work tasks I'm confronted with on a daily basis that I would rather not do. Some weeks the not so glamorous side of being a therapist seems to outweigh the fun and rewarding side. But here's the awesome part: there are always my fair share of life-changing/memorable/defining moments that creep up and just *BAM* hit me smack dab in the face. I am usually blind to these moments because I'm focused on the everyday stressors of life. Last Friday night I experienced one of these defining moments. The local AMBUCS chapter hosted their annual November Harvest banquet at the beautiful convention center here in Woodward. About three months ago I was approached about one of my student's being a good candidate for receiving a therapy tryke (Am-Tryke). After much measuring, ordering, planning and assembling (I only "supervised" this part thanks to the ever so talented Ronnie) my very deserving student was presented with this monstrous, awesome, bright, shiny tryke in front of a very large crowd of onlookers. He was on cloud nine as he dined next to Mayor Hill with his family, Riley and I sitting at the table next to him. Nanny also joined us for the evening! 

I had made it a point to ask earlier in the week if I would be expected to speak at the event. I was given a definite "no" to my delight....I am not a public speaker by any stretch of the imagination. So when I was discussing the order of events with the speaker for the evening I was a little taken aback when he nonchalantly mentioned the part about me "saying a few words." Immediately I had visions of me stumbling over my unplanned words and making a fool of myself. The speaker became my hero that night when he said that he'd cover the talking and let me off the hook. If you know me well then you are aware that public speaking for me is practiced days in advance. Most often it involves me hiding in a quiet closet area and pretending to talk to a room full of people. If anyone dare sneak into my pretend speech-giving area they are to be exiled from the house....Riley knows this rule well. But I am not too naive to realize that he probably stands outside of the closet door giggling at me and my neurotic tendencies. Alas, I was able to stand up in front of the crowd with my student and not say a word keeping my dignity intact. ;) 

All joking aside it was a wonderful sight to see as we placed him up on the bike. Here are a few shots from the presentation.....

As a therapist I have come nowhere near learning all of the things I want to know and experiencing everything I need to see. With that being said though it is such a feeling of fulfillment when new and exciting things like this happen. To me this is what life is all about.....making a difference and continuing the life long learning process...for me and my patients. By using this bike he will now be able to experience a new form of mobility that he has never been introduced to. THANK YOU AMBUCS!!! And thank you Nanny for sticking it out with me until the very end of the evening. The auction lasted until after 10:30...Nanny and I just had to stay and bid on some awesome holiday displays. We made our home with a carload of goodies!

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