Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Saturday in Shattuck

It was high time that Lil Red and I take a trip up the road to see Meme. Let me clarify here since she has deemed it appropriate to have three different Meme's in her life. So we shall call this particular one Meme Donna. I'm already confusing myself and I'm certain that these nicknames will change several times. Sheesh! So the two of us left the house on Saturday morning with a cup of milk, some snacks and a handy dandy puzzle on our way to see Meme Donna......

Although I see my grandma twice a week for therapy visits I rarely have a free weekend to go take the mini out to visit with her/entertain her. We were finally blessed with a weekend at home and I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to take Hallie to Shattuck. She finagled the pieces of her puzzle for thirty straight minutes without so much as a peep on the ride there. When we walked up to the porch I knocked and waited for Meme to holler "come on in." She couldn't see who was at the door so it was fun to see her face when I had Hal be the first to walk through the door. It was obvious that her day had been made. It is amazing to me to see the way a grandmother delights in her grandchildren. While Meme delighted in the sight of Hallie, Hallie delighted in the sight of this new toy that she found in the toy box....

After giving out some hugs and a kiss or two she did what she's best at and went on a hunt for a snack in the kitchen. It was apparent that she felt right at home and comfortable at her house. This is something that means so much to me because I can only hope that Hallie grows up feeling the comfort of her house the same way that I do. She spotted her pink bowl in the kitchen, grabbed a box of cereal from the table, hopped up in the chair and pointed to her bowl. Well yes ma'am.....

After finishing her snack that somehow found it's way all over the house in a Hansel and Gretel style trail, we plopped down on the floor to draw a picture for Meme's fridge....

Hallie gave Aunt Deedee a ring on the phone and said "come on over." So she did! Hallie gave her the regular heart and lung checkup once she'd arrived....

Lonnie popped in as well to say hi and did some coloring with Hal gal on the floor...

My grandma stays up to date on Hal's happenings each time I visit on Mondays and Wednesdays. We have our regular routine of picture and story time while she rides her bike. She has the memory of an elephant so it was no surprise that she wanted Hallie to show off all of the new tricks that I tell her about each week. She's got everyone's name down well and gave big goodbyes and hugs to "Meme, Deedee and Donnie." ;)

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