Sunday, November 11, 2012

Aaron's Birthday Fun

Cousin Aaron turned two last weekend and we were thrilled to be able to make his birthday shindig this year. Riley and I were already in OKC for my birthday getaway so we met up with our third and tiniest family member in Edmond on Saturday. Lisa and Dara had somehow survived an evening with the Halster and brought her along with them. I hear she provided some pretty good entertainment while in the car on the way to Edmond from Enid....

It also seemed that she kept them smiling while spending Friday evening and Saturday morning with them. She showed off one of her interesting cartoon watching positions....

She kept an eye on Slugger while sipping on her cup....

And the scholarly toot watched a bit of tv on Friday night after her bath....

These three make quite the team, dontcha think??

We arrived right around noon and found Matt finishing up some decorating...

So we did some playing and running around....

Some of the gang took Hal on a walk down by the water where people were fishing....

Birthday fun spilled over into Saturday as I was surprised with gifts from my daddio and Aunt B. :) Big smile! The birthday boy soon arrived and the two little cousins got reacquainted with eachother....

"I'm not sure if you know this, but it's my birthday today...."

I just love this adorable picture of Aaron with his Gigi after he spotted her....

The park was the perfect place for a party and the kiddos had tons of room to roam. Hallie ran her little legs off and only stopped long enough to give me a wave as she ran by....

"I ain't got time mom...smell ya later!"

Well, I take that back. She stopped long enough to wave at me AND to eat....

Chowing down on party food with Gman

It was present time and all of Aaron's friends flocked around to assist with the tissue paper removal process. All were very skilled with this activity....

Pretty soon he was flying solo with the gift opening and he did a great job tearing into each present....

"Where'd my helpers go?"

One of his helpers had scampered off to the bathroom and was coming back in a hurry most likely to share the news of her fascinating port-a-potty experience.....

"You guys have GOT to see this!"

She sat quietly with her chatty friends and watched him open the rest of his goodies....

Uncle Spence had his arms warmed up and was ready for their regular Hallie toss game. He can't get away with just doing this once, no sirree....

"Again! Again! Again!"

The cuties all gathered 'round to play "Pin the eye on Muno." It was precious to watch them spin around and try to pin it just right.....

Next up was cake time! The best time if you ask me! Aaron's eyes were the size of silver dollars as he realized his cake was fair game. He dug right in!!!

In addition to the magnificent homemade tie-dye layered cake, Amy had made these darling Oreo pops dipped in different colors of chocolate. It should come as no surprise that Hallie helped herself to one three of these....

"You know how much I love treats!"

There's trouble right there!

We said our goodbyes to all of the fam and Hallie shared a sweet birthday hug with the little man of the hour....

It surely is going to be a lot of fun watching these two cousins grow up together. It's adorable to see them standing next to eachother...same height, same light-colored thin and wispy hair...sweet, sweet babies. Hallie hopped on out to the parking lot to give some last goodbyes to Gman, Aunt B, Uncle Spence and her sleepover pals. I set her on the rumbling bike with Gman and it was clear that she wanted as far away from the loud engine as possible. Perhaps atop G's head??

Hugs to everyone and see you laters all around....we hit the road and didn't make one single stop on the way home. Our short little one day trip was jam packed with fun and family and friends and food and I wouldn't have had it any other way. All three of us were more than ready to pull in to the house and stretch our legs by the time we got home. Our youngest family member was already doing so in the backseat after one of her billion fake potty breaks that she somehow convinced me was necessary. STINKER!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AARON! Thanks for letting us share in your big day with you!

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