Friday, November 16, 2012

In the Dog House

Who am I speaking of?

Nope, not Riley.

Little tiny miss Red. She is in the dog house.

You'll see that this "dog house" can be taken more ways than one. Interpret it however you wish, but here are the facts......

Hallie has absolutely no regard for her bedtime routine. Or her former bedtime routine I should say. It worked well. Peaceful, sweet and quiet. But for the past two weeks our routine has fallen to pieces as we have entered the "strong-willed/ not gonna do anything you to tell me to" phase. At times it has left us laughing til it hurts....while at other times it has left me throwing my hands in the air begging for a moment of silence as she protested from her room. So where do the dogs come in to the picture??? Well, just take a look at this picture and it will explain things pretty well. This picture says a thousand +1 words.....

The very cooperative and docile pups have been more than patient with her new interest she's taken in puppy sleepovers. They must have blankets and she will not take no for an answer when it comes to whether or not they can leave her room. Just take a look at that devilish little grin on her face. Oh heavens, what are we going to do??? Lucy is usually the biggest sucker out of the two pups. She always ends up keeping watch by her crib...even during nap time.....

"I don't dare say no...have you heard her scream?!"

So here's the deal: I think all of this is incredibly, sickeningly cute. I eat up every bit of her loving on the dogs and the fact that they actually lay on her floor with blankets on their backs makes me giggle. So we've covered the cute part. Now for the evil part.....I'm very aware that we are creating a monster. She went from wanting the dogs on her floor to wanting them in the crib with her. "No. No way. Of course the dog can't sleep in your bed, Hallie." Ok, who am I kidding? That is not at all how it went. It looked something like this.....

"Yeah, mom didn't stand a chance against this sweet face"
Emmi was less than enthused as always about being held captive in her bed and I think Hallie soon realized that her bed was perhaps not big enough for the two of them....

"We may need to rethink this arrangement."

Snuggles and dogs and smiles OH MY! "Meme and Dew" receive all of the hugs that I wish Hallie would save for me. Is there anything sweeter than this???

"Ok fine...maybe she's sweet....and she smells like baby lotion...."

I'm beginning to think that she needs a sibling. I have a feeling that the dogs would agree....

"Does she realize that I'm not a horse?"

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