Monday, August 27, 2012

While Mom & Dad are away, the Halster will play

I'm finally catching my breath and getting around to doing some MAJOR catch-up on the blog. I sure miss being able to write more, update often and share more details about our little family. There's not enough time in the day it seems and sometimes I find myself asking "how did I EVER have time!?!?! Well I find myself here on a Saturday night with some precious and very rare down time. I've got my best friend (laptop) in front of me and plenty of stories floating around in the head. So here goes.....

Lil red had a little fun of her own while her parents were on vacation. In fact, she had quite the getaway. The three of us stayed in Enid on a Thursday evening and let Hallie get a jump start on her vacation at Aunt B's house while Riley and I did the same. Lisa and David were on vacation themselves and offered up their house to Riley and I that evening since dad was doing some kitchen remodeling and had limited space. But before we said our goodbyes to Lil Red a family din din was in order. After all, we wanted to thank Spencer, Bailey and Gman for the babysitting they were about to do while we were gone. (nevermind the fact that dad refused to let us treat everyone to dinner, but we tried ;)) Riley picked up Chili's To Go and we spent a couple of hours talking, eating and laughing...mainly at Hallie. The girl was on fire. Wait, that doesn't even describe it. I swore up and down that I hadn't given her caffeine...or speed. Somersaults, spinning, flipping, running, screaming, name it. She was pulling out all the stops. It was the perfect way to say goodbye to our little one. She was beyond happy to be at Aunt B's....

When Gman arrived that evening she lit up and ran to hug his leg. BFF status right here, folks....

Uncle Spence had some enticing boots waiting by the back door that Hal just had to hop in....

Oh yeah, I guess I should mention that Aunt B adopted a little puppy that same day. Aunt B = brave lady.

What kind of breed is that?!?!

We put a very sleepy and more than willing baby to bed that night before reluctantly leaving her behind. Knowing she was going to have loads of fun was about the only thing keeping me from snatching her up the next morning as we drove past Aunt B's house. The little toot had agreed to sleep in....well, ok, maybe I'd asked her to please sleep in and she responded with a strange look. The stinker was awake at 7:30 with a tired Aunt B who took on the big task of babysitting Hal, Hurley, new no-name puppy, as well as Chigger and Lizzy (dad's dogs). Four dogs and a baby. She had her work cut out for her! I don't have many stories from Hal's time in Enid from this point on but I do have pictures and a general idea of her whereabouts and daily activities. Here's a quick recap of Hal's own "vacation".....

She "played" a few video games after finishing breakfast at Aunt B's....

"Take that!!!"

The duo later made their way over to the school playground behind Bailey's house where they wore eachother out until it was nap time....

Aw yes, naptime. Aunt B and her little niecey were both ready to hit the hay for some downtime....Hal was able to take a 3+ hour nap while Bailey attempted a nap until Aunt Alta and Kara arrived. Despite Hal's marathon nap they were able to spend some time with sleepyhead before they left town. Lisa and David had returned home from vacation Friday afternoon and took over Hal duty that evening after she spent some time with Gman. She spent Friday and Saturday night at their house and I hear that she was quite the spoiled little house guest with endless supplies of snack and all the cartoons a girl could ever want....

"More cereal,'s just getting to the good part"
I do have a pretty humorous and very Hal-like story to share (before it leaves my memory). So here's the deal.....Hal's watching her cartoons while David and Gman are chatting next to her in the living room. Baby girl proceeds to stand up from her cartoon-watching spot, grabs each of their hands, walks them down the hallway, orders them into the bedroom, closes them inside and returns to her quiet cartoon-watching spot. She doesn't mess around. Although she'd banished him to the other room she did agree to spending some one-on-one time with the Gman on Saturday evening. They went for a ride in the car, went for a swim and had some quality bonding time that I'm very thankful for.....

Hallie taught Gman about proper Bandaid placement....

I got nothing but grand reports from each of her caregivers throughout the weekend which put this momma at ease. How lucky is this girl to have an amazing family that is willing to provide her with so much entertainment all weekend. And keep her happy nonetheless!!! But her "vacation" wasn't quite over just yet. She still had one last leg of her weekend left. Gman picked her up from Lisa and David's house on Sunday and they made one last stop by Aunt B's house before leaving town so that she could give her proper goodbyes and customary fist bumps.....

"Later dude"

Gman and Hal set off on their journey to Woodward. He sent pictures and texts along the trip as they would stop for potty breaks. He was the seasoned pro in handling the drive with a not-so-happy-riding-in-a-car kiddo. I hear that they resorted to playing the copycat game where Gman would whine just as loud and she would respond with a laugh....and then some more whining. I hear that she gave him some sweet goodbyes and left her in Nanny, Papa, and Aunt Ky's hands for Sunday night and Monday until we returned. I was loving all of the updates, texts, pictures and videos. Nanny and Hal were disappointed on Sunday evening as they got suited up for a swim at the waterpark only to find out that it had closed early. Bummer. On Monday Hallie stayed with Nanny and Aunt Ky at home until we made our way back to town around 5:00. There is only on lone picture I have of Hal from Sunday and guess is that she was doing super top secret fun activities that she didn't want her momma to know about. ;) Kylie sent me this picture of the Halster waiting on us to arrive.....

"Did you guys decide to leave me for good or what!?!"

Never, baby girl, never. We missed the life out of you!!!! I can't say a big enough thank you to Aunt B, Uncle Spencer, Gman, Lisa, David, Nanny, Papa and Aunt Ky! Thanks for letting us have a much-needed and much-appreciated getaway together.

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