Monday, August 27, 2012

One Last Swim

While I was perusing through my Facebook newsfeed a couple of weeks ago I noticed that the waterpark was having a photo contest. All I had to do was pick out my favorite waterpark picture from the summer and post it on their page....oh yeah, and hope to receive the most 'likes'. Easy enough, right? Well, sort of. I picked one of my favorites, posted it, shared it, badgered people to please 'like' it, and kept on begging for 'likes' that week. The contest had finally come to an end so Hallie and I took one last trip to the waterpark to celebrate her big photo win. She was ecstatic about this plan for the afternoon.....

The park was near empty due to cooler temps that day which is what led me to bust out her cute little wetsuit top.....

The two of us had a blast dumping buckets of water on eachother's heads, having a splash party and just running around like she owned the place....because it seemed as though she that time there were only three other kids at the park....

Somehow we managed to have a waterpark trip without a meltdown over the snack stand. She was fully content with her goggles and bubbles....

"Bowin' bubbos"

Of course we had to check out every last inch of the pool one last time before we left.....

It came time to pack up and head out. She said one last goodbye and waved to the slide as we walked out. As we passed the desk I mentioned something to the man sitting up front about the photo contest winner. He looked confused which had me confused. Both confused. He informed me that we had not won the contest and that he didn't even see my photo on their page. Huh? Wait, even more confused now. So I got my phone out to show him that it was clearly there and that it was clearly the winner. Ok, at this point I almost turned around and left telling myself  "this is a silly contest and it's Facebook for goodness' sake." But the competitive side of me took hold and I stood my ground. I wanted that stinkin' waterpark pass that I was convinced we'd won. After some discussion back and forth and him insisting that I'd posted the picture to my own wall and not his, yada, yada, yada....I was sort of (ok, maybe a LOT) frustrated. He promised to do some checking about how the picture disappeared and he'd get back with me. Well he did later that night and said that he would reward the second place photo (which apparently was the first place) and our picture as well (which somehow was not visible to anyone except my FB friends.) Are you confused yet?!?!?! All I know is that this cute little girl is a fish and will put her pass to good use......

I kinda hated to see our summer at the waterpark end on a yucky note but alas, technology is the enemy. I know all that's important is the fun we had, the memories we made and the Vitamin D that we soaked up while having a blast at the coolest spot in town. Here's to a 2013 summer full of even more water fun!!!!

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