Saturday, October 16, 2010

We're gonna need a bigger house

 We are slowly but surely running out of space. The introduction of another "baby occupying device" made that clear...

HallieLand Themepark

I was prepared for this to happen...but what about when she is actually able to play with toys, and cook in little kitchens, and play dressup? Where does all that stuff go? I guess we will start looking for a 5 bedroom house! Who wants to help us move?? ;) Who am I kidding, she has us so wrapped around her finger that our house will probably look like an episode of Hoarders before we know it.

On Thursday, Daddy had a night alone with Hallie while I went to a bachelorette dinner for my friend/classmate Natasha. This time, I was actually on time! Well kind of...I left it plenty of time, but got lost. It was my first time at Musashi's..I'm not sure why I never knew about this place because it was amazingly fun!

I'm not so sure Riley had the same amount of fun though. That little girl sure knows how to keep us on our toes!

Friday was a bittersweet day...Hallie and I stayed in our jammies most of the day and spent our LAST Friday of maternity leave just cuddling. Grammy had ANOTHER test at her home away from home...Friday it was a stress test. I bet she just loves spending her days off driving to the hospital. Although I KNOW that she is loving the time she gets to spend with Hallie. Facebook tells me so. ;) She stopped by the house to get her hands on that baby for about an hour before heading off to her appointment. Once I came to the conclusion that no adult should still be wearing their pajamas at one o'clock in the afternoon, Hallie and I cleaned up and headed to the mall. Mission: to find a cover up to go with the dress I was planning to wear to the wedding and buy new scrub pants for work. Mission accomplished. Somehow we made it out of the mall without buying anything for Hallie. Baby Gap beckoned me as I walked by but I didn't succumb to it's calls. She is all set for awhile. She didn't seem to mind as she sucked her thumb the whole time and didn't really care about anything else. Sucking her thumb is her new guilty pleasure...except that she's not guilty about it at all because it's all she ever does. Here's some proof:

Fee, fi, fo fum.........

....who needs dinner when you have a thumb?

Today we were blessed to have a couple of great babysitters (Grammy & G-man) help us out for the day while we traveled to Elk City for Natasha & Brandon's (our neighbors) wedding. Thanks to my awesome directions we were just a little bit late...we missed the bride walking down the aisle, the ultimate wedding sin if you ask me. Well it may have been partially due to the fact that I stood staring at my baby for about ten minutes too long before we left the house. I actually made it ten minutes down the road before calling this time. I think Grammy was starting to think I didn't trust her. Oh trust me Grammy, you can take that lil girl off my hands anytime you want...I just end up missing her like crazy! Being late is beginning to get more normal everyday, so it didn't make me nervous wreck like usual when we pulled into the church ten minutes late. The bride was a beauty with her gorgeous veil complete with black and white feathers and pretty pearls. And a bonus- it's always great to catch up with my old classmates. Weddings are not Riley's favorite thing in the world, so I was very thankful that he was a good sport and came along to spend the day with me. :)

We decided to make the two hour trip back home to change clothes and escape again to go eat out (a luxury that we used to take for granted). We had been invited to a Halloween party earlier that day so I was SUPER SUPER SUPER excited to pick out costumes. Ask Riley, once I get going on something, it's hard to control me! So we decided to stop at the Halloween superstore on our way home. I can't spill the beans on my costume but I can say that it is hands-down the most fun and interesting costume I've ever worn. Riley is going to sleep on his costume decision before he settles on one. But he has some GREAT options!

When we got home, Bailey and Spencer were there to love on Hallie. They tell me that Spencer is her new boyfriend because she wouldn't take her eyes off of him. Me, on the other hand, she couldn't have cared less about. Too bad, because she somehow got even cuter after being away from her all afternoon. Grammy and G-man tell me that she was a good girl...but I think they would tell me that no matter how much of a handful she was. ;) My dad hollered as he was heading out the door, "let us know the next time you need a babysitter!" And I quickly hollered back "OCTOBER 29th!" I don't think he was expecting a request so soon and he just laughed as he closed the door. I am so thankful for such a wonderful family who loves our little girl so much and would probably drop anything to spend time with her!

Our number one girl has been getting stronger by the day. Her head is looking less like a bobble head and much more steady. She still loves doing her squats to build up those leg muscles. She is "talking" up a storm! Her favorite place to chat with momma is on her changing table...her and dad have their best discussions when he's holding her in his chair. We are pretty much having full-fledged conversations at this point. Nothing too deep though ;) goes like this:

mom- "hi."
Hallie- "coo."
mom- "hi."
Hallie- "oooooooh."
mom- "hi."
Hallie- "eeeeee"

One of our "convos" the other day had me laughing and crying at the same time. She was on a roll and so excited! When she really gets going she will get her body into it and start bouncing on my lap. Too funny! That girl has got some skills I tell ya!

Hallie's Corner

So mom and dad left me at home. Again. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE hanging out with my Grammy and G-man, BUT I had this awesome dress just waiting in my closet dying to be worn. It's pink and black with pretty bows and I thought it would be perfect for the occasion. Natasha even told mom they had a "cry room" at the church. And she still left me at home. Fine. So when mom and dad got home I pretended like I didn't care. I had fun at home today with my grandparents...we watched some football, played with all of the doggies, they took me on a walk, and I took some naps. They brought their "babies" with them so Emmi was super excited to have some fellow canine friends to bug all day.

Let's see, what have I been up to lately? Well I have been layin' low because I've been hearing rumors that mom is going back to work VERY soon and I'm pretty worried. I mean how is mom going to document my EVERY move if she's at work all day? When are we going to do our little home "photo shoots?" And when will be go on walks with Emmi? These are all questions that I need answers to. Hmmmm. To keep my mind off things, I've been helping dad with work...

"Hang on, I've got my hands full"

"I have no idea what's he's talking about!"

In my spare time, I've been wearing in my new toy that mom pulled out of the closet. I was wondering where she hides all the good stuff...

Of course we had to fit in a photo shoot or two during the week...

I took some power naps....

The baby AND dog whisperer

And I had been missin' my Aunt B so she came to visit and I got some much needed kisses...

"Aunt B, your lip gloss smells goooooood."

I am trying my darndest to talk Riley into taking us to the Pumpkin Patch tomorrow so I can get some pics of our "pumpkin" with the pumpkins. Wish me luck in prying his hands off of the 'ol Mustang so we can venture out to the patch...maybe I should just leave the convincing up to Hallie. ;)

1 comment:

  1. I think she gets cuter every day! Her little face is so precious! Good luck with going back to work, Im sure it will be hard!
