Monday, October 18, 2010

Parenting 101

Just a quick story for your reading pleasure today:

I have methods on my mind today. I really don't have a particular parenting "method" at this point. I am really not sure if I even believe that there is a method to parenting. BUT if there is then I follow the "fly by the seat of your pants" method. So I had heard about the Ferber method a couple times before (mainly from the TV show Modern Family where the funny gay couple "ferberized" their baby) and just knew it as the "put your baby in a crib until they stop crying and fall asleep" method. To me it sounded cruel and unusual...I mean how on earth could I just listen to my baby cry and cry and not go in to pick her up. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Today I employed this method. We had a morning of running errands and were settled in back home. Hallie was hating her "new" feeding schedule. Since she is starting daycare in two days I decided that eating every 30 minutes was not going to fly there. Minus two points for me for waiting til the last minute to come up with a solution for this problem. So we are doing everything I can think of to keep her occupied...swinging, sitting in mom's lap, talking, singing, listening to Baby Einstein music, going outside, standing up, walking around, laying down (bad idea), sucking on binky, gas medicine...nothing was working. She looked so sleepy and was being such a squirmy wormy. So I decided it was time. I layed her down in her crib, apologized and said "I love you" about a million times, turned on her mobile, and closed the door. She had a good cry for about 10 minutes but eventually was taken by the sleep angels. Yes, today they were sleep angels for letting her rest. I have had to sneak in 3 times just to make sure she is okay. ;) She is still resting so I decided to give Riley a call and tell him I was a mean momma who "ferberized" her baby. I'm surprised I didn't wake Hallie up when I laughed at his response. Riley says, "oh is that where you take their knees up to their chest when they have bad gas?"

Ferberized baby

1 comment:

  1. Well, i haven't really told anyone yet, i was waiting until the first trimester was over just incase. i have about 3 weeks to go before i break the news to the rest of the family. Yeah, i really enjoy following yours and a couple others, and i actually only made a blog so that i could leave comments. But i do enjoy it so far. But man its harder than i thought it would be lol!
