Saturday, October 2, 2010

Baby Gap = my new Hobby Lobby

Hi everyone! I am just now getting up the energy to blog my little heart out. It's been a long few days and was a super busy week for dad to say the least and 14 hour days were starting to wear him out. By the time he got home, it was time to hit the sack. Poor guy only got about 30 minutes of time to love on his little girl! And of course that means mommy only got a 30 minute break from her little girl. Lol!

Riley went to the OSU v. A&M game Thursday night to cheer on his team. He went straight to Stillwater after getting finished with work. He left around half time because he wasn't thrilled with the way his team was performing and because he "needs sleep!" But I have a feeling that he wished he would have stayed for the game-winning field goal. While dad was getting his "Orange Power" on, Hallie and I were enjoying some lounging time in the office. I spent so much time getting the office just perfect and I never even sit in my big brown chair and watch tv because I like to take advantage of hanging out in the living room when Riley gets home from work. Since he was gone for the evening, I figured it was a great time to wear in my chair that just sits and collects dog hair and serves as a great dog perch on sunny days. Riley got home around 10:30 and tried to be quiet since Hallie and I were sleeping....that is until he turned the game on in the other room to watch the final minutes. ;)

I think I have developed insomnia. If the definition of insomnia is "fear of falling asleep because one feels that they may have to wake up 30 short minutes later because their baby was just kidding about falling asleep." If that's the definition, then yes, I definitely has insomnia. Either that, or my body is now conditioned to function well of 5 hours of sleep.

I had to do a major cleaning of the stroller yesterday morning after our walk. It looked like we had trekked through a mountain range...grass and dirt and water everywhere. I think I probably need two for walking the neighborhood and the other for outings. So if anyone wants to purchase the second stroller you can just have it sent to me in the mail. Thanks! Those suckers ought to come with GPS for the amount they cost! Oh and I need a dog cleaner that I can sit outside the door and she can walk through before she goes back inside the house...kinda like a mini car wash with a dog drying feature. I took a picture of us before our walk on Thursday just to show you how excited they both get...

Ok maybe Hallie isn't too thrilled but Emmi sure is!

We took a fun girl's shopping trip today! Hallie and I met Aunt Kylie and Nanny at Penn Square. I have been in desperate need of a pedicure since giving birth but it just hasn't happened yet. So first things were first today...Kylie and I got pedicures! My feet thanked me for that! The lady made it even more clear that I hadn't been pampered in awhile because she asked me THREE times, "You need eyebrow wax?" 3 TIMES! Yes, I do. However, I don't want to walk around in public with bright red, irritated skin. We walked out of the nail salon to find Hallie and Nanny hanging out on the bench. Nanny had discovered that I put Hallie's shoes on with her shoelaces tucked inside, making it very hard to tie them. Hmmm, I thought that seemed strange that I couldn't find the laces. ;) It was Hallie's first trip to the mall and she definitely benefited greatly from the experience. I can't even begin to tell you how exciting it is to walk into Baby Gap and see all of the new stuff hanging up just calling my name! That store is simply magical! Nanny doesn't spoil Hallie at all either ;)...she has a whole new fall wardrobe and some cute comfy clothes for daycare. Oh, and a beautiful dress for a wedding outing next weekend! Oh yeah, and a pig costume for Halloween (when we saw how cute the piglet was, the other four options got tossed out the window) Ok, I think that's all. And mommy got a new shirt for date night! Yes, you heard me right...DATE NIGHT! It's tonight! Our first night out together since Hallie was born. Long overdue if you ask me! I won't tell you all what we are doing will be a surprise. ;) Thanks to Nanny I am all set for our night out. Well, the top half of me is ready, but my lower half is begging for a wouldn't mind being able to fit into my skinny jeans...I'm working on it...but still have a LONG way to go. And when I say skinny, let me be clear that is definitely a relative term! Lol! Skinny for me that is. On the weight loss news front: I am down 1 lb this week. Eh, I will take it. My jeans do fit better and I feel better. I just do NOT like what is in the mirror.  Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the flabbiest mom of all? ;)

Hallie getting her shop on

Nanny and Hallie said goodbye to eachother and we drove home to see Dad. Thank goodness he was hungry and wanted something quick to eat because I was kinda worn out and didn't feel like cooking at all. Not that I would have had a chance to anyways...we got home at 7:30 and Hallie stopped eating at 9:30! We are a pretty exciting crew on Friday nights let me tell ya...get this, we decided to watch a movie. Crazy and wild, I know! We wanted to watch IronMan 2 but found out it wasn't on OnDemand yet so we settled for 30 minutes of scintillating previews and finally realized that all of the new releases looked incredibly boring. No movie, so instead I watched in boredom while Riley was enthralled by a 20/20 special on Muslims. But hey, it's time with my little family so I will take it! Hallie went to bed so easily and I finally retired to bed as well thinking that it was going to be a good night's sleep since she had eaten so much. So much for wishful thinking. We were both woken up at 2 and I lasted until 6 when Riley probably sensed my exhaustion and frustration and came and relieved me until 9. It's 11:30 right now as I type and it is the first time she has closed her little eyes since 2 a.m. I have no idea what is going on with the gal, but I need a baby whisperer to come and do a consult visit. Maybe that can shed some light on what's going on. All I know is that I won't survive like this when I start back to work. She has started a new habit of taking 15 minute naps...that gives us about enough time to stand up and walk across the room and she's awake again. Needless to say, productivitiy is at an all time low at the Fanning house!

Hallie's Corner

My mom and dad are going on a date tonight. I'm not sure what to think about this but my first reaction looked something like this...

"You are BOTH leaving me???!!!"

I admit maybe I've been a tad bit difficult lately but didn't they know what they were getting into. I mean, come on, my dad's a Marine and he can't handle a little crying. And seriously mom, your patients throw up and poop in their diapers all the time, so you should be pretty used to this. I was pretty upset at first because I thought that Emmi would be watching me while they went out...

"That dog is not able to care for my needs!"

Then they assured me that Emmi, in fact, wasn't going to be babysitting me so I felt a lot better. Actually G-man and Grammy are going to babysit me. I hope they have fun watching me sleep because that's what my plan is. Then I can be ready to wake up and play all night with mom and dad when they get home.

I went shopping yesterday at the mall. It was our first time. Mom made that obvious with her stroller skills. She had trouble remembering that she had to be on the ramp side instead of the stair side. Nanny was holding me so mom had a hard time remembering to take the stroller along with her. I guess she doesn't usually have to take the elevator often because her and Nanny stood in front of it for a few minutes and had forgotten to push the button. Duh mom. She needs some practice. I was enjoying myself until we went into Baby, Aunt Kylie and Nanny were putting hats on me and holding clothes up to me...I felt SO embarrassed in front of all the other babies! Then we all started a crying was that one newborn's fault...he started it and all of us other babies had to chime in. I have big plans for today: organizing all my new clothes, eat lunch, watch the OU/Texas game with mommy, smile, eat, poop, and then play with my babysitters tonight. And sleeping of course, but I will make sure and do that while mom and dad are gone. ;)

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